What’s up with the white van in the automotive bay? I think it’s been there since Friday Thursday.
totally uncool. sounds like a banning is in order.
@TLAR? anybody? Beuller?
I’m usually not for bans, but if that van isn’t official Automotive or hasn’t been approved by Tom to stick around, being parked since Thursday…
Of course there’s also the possibility it belongs to someone who had no business in the auto square and was using it for parking- this is relatively common. In which case, what’s a ban going to do?
Either way, not cool.
you’re right. it must obviously be a donation. let’s just start stripping it for parts.
Just remove the lug nuts, put ‘em in a baggie, and set them in the drivers’ seat.
@TLAR does know about the van, but the guy is taking an extraordinary amount of time to change the transmission.
Nick (and Others)
Justin (Winnebago Justin) was kind enough to let me know the guy was trapped inside due to a trans mount past midnight the first evening-not knowing it was in for a trans replacement until yesterday.
Last night he was working on it when I left at 0230 - I would have expected it to NOT be there 12 hours later.
I agree it is not “cool” to leave it in the bay.
I also think it is piss poor planning (if any) to attempt to tackle that amount of work on any vehicle by a single individual.
We all dislike rules (well 98% of us) but situations like this are cause for a change in policy.
When I went to DMS at lunch, there was a giant sea of transmission fluid on the floor, with numerous tools, lights, rollers, jacks, etc all left around it. The owner was nowhere to be found.
The sea of transmission fluid is slowly getting larger, it will eventually encompass the entire shop floor…
one less automotive bay user
Stan is going to head of the leak
Van is out of the bay
yes but it was not under it’s own power. It was pushed out. can we now assume it is taking up a parking space (something the landlord loves)? or was it hauled off?
That specific white van is not coming back in the automotive bay again.