Makes one think doesn’t it?
Kind of ironic you mention that: I was gonna keep my mouth shut, because I know the “XYZ is gonna take away our guns, no but really this time” crowd like having their daily affirmations here on Talk, but that seems like an odd thing for you to bring up – I have always seen F&F as proof that the core of the gun control argument does work.
Conservative hot take: Having fewer guns in circulation won’t actually help crime; limiting legal sales in any way just means law-abiding citizens will find it harder but criminals will be able to get them illegally anyway.
Conservative hot take 2: OMG the Obama administration was SO irresponsible in putting more guns into circulation in Mexico; didn’t they realize that they just made it easier for criminals to get guns? What idiots. They should’ve seen that coming.
Takes a special sort of mindset to think something is a linear function under addition but not under subtraction.
Aside: pretty sure this isn’t really a neutral “whether you’re pro or anti” take, so (or perhaps independent of whether or not it is) maybe this is better suited to Off-Topic?
(Aside 2: I’ll quit saying I’m a better shot than nearly all my conservative friends while I’m at the space… because I’m actually probably near-useless at 200y. When’s that class rescheduled to again?)
I bet I am better with a rubber band shooter than you are!
Oh, man.
DMS rubber band shooting contest.
It is ON.
It is SO on! It’ll be fun…until someone loses a eye, And then we will need to consider some common sense rubber band control laws.
Maybe rubber band TARGET shooting at the picnic? THAT way no HUMAN (edit @mblatz ) eyes are at risk.
Oh, man. There you guys go again, automatically assuming everything a liberal says is escalated to the worst possible meaning. I MEANT a target contest! With the target being neither other competitors nor innocent bystanders, obviously. …because that’s not a contest, with those everyone participating already wins I DIDN’T SAY THAT what I mean is because you can’t possibly have fair scoring of accuracy with some sort of “assault” method. (@mblatz is a smaller target than I am…) It’d have to be target shooting, if we’re truly going to prove our prowess with rubber-band-gun accuracy.
What if the targets are potatoes?!
I’ll bring my full-semi auto machine rubber band gun.
Liberals fair and reasonable?
Must be something new?
Last Saturday (03.10.2018).
There should be a next one(more often).
Only if your experience with the American ideological tradition was largely shaped circa 1978 or so.
…so, for you, maybe yes.
(I’m turning 40 in only a few months… I’ve gotta call as many people old as possible before I can also no longer be trusted!)
Are you saying that current era “Liberals” are not “fair and reasonable”?
I’m right behind you on this,@StanSimmons. I mean literally, I am going to stand right behind you.
He asked if that was something new. I said it would be new to you if you’d learned of the ideological split circa 1978. Therefore, I’m saying that liberals have been the fair and reasonable ones for around 40 years, but nice of you guys to finally notice while you’re causing the collapse of the modern world, thanks.
Not that I’m surprised that was misread. Go figure – conservatives having trouble with reading comprehension. Color me surprised. *eye roll* *reads the full Second Amendment again for kicks*
Almost an hour of video … that would be a 10-15 minute read in text format.