Where to buy Niobium tomorrow

Does anyone know where I could buy some pure niobium wire tomorrow?
I’d like to use this Saturday.
Something like this?
Niobium Wire, 20 Gauge AWG (20ga/.031 inch/.8mm diameter), 5 Feet (60 Inches/1.524 Meters minimum) Coil (Natural - Unanodized) Unannealed https://www.amazon.com/dp/B019Y4Y0SK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Q0JYCbSNGMJ7Y
Or this:
Niobium Metal High Purity Element 41 Nb Chemistry Sample (Columbium Cb) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01E6ADIJ4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_O6JYCb3DQ24Q2

Reactive Metals in Arizona carries niobium and so does Rio Grande

I have a few feet of a couple of gauges I might consider selling if you can t get some in time

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Yes, I would like to buy a foot or two from you, if you have some to spare.
I’ll be at DMS later this afternoon and evening. Thank you!

Sorry I missed you