What a douche! Once the roo let the dog go, it should have been over…he didn’t need to punch the roo after distracting it, just back off. But he’s on camera and probably thought it would look cool to box a kangaroo. So, to relate this to combat robotics, cheap shots just make ya look bad.
Actually, the Kangaroo attempted to kill the dog, then turned to attack the man. The little bunny hops were him turning into position and preparing to strike at the man. The punch, while hardly doing much damage, stopped the attack, and everyone was able to walk away more or less unscathed.
Naw… I think they were simply caught mid-embrace in an inter-species tryst. The roo was startled by the jeep and the guy running up and simply turning to face the guy to protect his beloved poochie. Lol!
Love is love, don’t judge.
But seriously, yeah, those bucks can be super dangerous, but still I think the guy was a douche. All in all, nobody got hurt, so all is good.
"in Australia in recent years, some resulting in serious injuries. (In many cases, kangaroos have attacked humans after a confrontation with their dogs.) "
Apparently the little monsters have a thing for dogs…