Where is a copy of our Articles of Incorporation?

I’m looking for a copy of our Articles of Incorporation. I can go to the State of Texas and get a copy but I thought if someone had one available that they could post or point me to that it would be better.

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I generally know where most things are, I do not know where the Articles of Incorporation are…

Replied via pm

and more characters

They can be had at Texas Sectary of State at SOSDirect - An Online Business Service from the Office of the Secretary of State

Or here.
Dallas-Makerspace-Article-of-Incorporation.pdf (30.2 KB)
DMS AOI Amendment 7-25-2011.PDF (80.1 KB)

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I find this interesting …

Article 4 – Organizational Structure
The corporation will have member.

Not members … interesting typo

Also, I noticed that the amendment that we tell the state who the current board of directors are… should we do this yearly or when they are elected?

That was the only amendment I had pulled and paid for. Feel free to go online and pay to get all other the updates. I provided the link above.