When "members" refuse to follow our rules

The shop’s dust collection system is broken. Our awesome trainers teach that you must start the dust collection system before running tools (except - hand tools). Yet members decide to still use the stationary tools when the Felder is down. I guess they drove a long ways, or they want their moneys worth?

So you see a scofflaw using the woodshop, how can you handle this in a non-confrontational manner?

Approach them and suggest they forgot to start the Felder. Make a joke about how we don’t want the machines clogged up.

Either they will walk over and discover the machine is inoperable, or they already know. If they just stare at you, still use the tool after they discover the Felder is down then look for an DMS officer. BoD member or another member that can deal with the situation in a tactful manner.

Most people want to do the correct thing, but some just don’t care. You have to wonder about what else the don’t care crowd does to our shared resources when others aren’t present.

A solution to the current issue might be to flip the breaker to all of the stationary tools until the Felder is back online? No fuss, no muss, no cheaters.

P.S. Maybe our next series of interlocks could have a shared master disconnect for situations like this?


Is there anything that needs to be done at the moment? I’m up at space and willing to help.

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Mr Fred addressed it. I expect in his normal most cheerful manner, at least during the initial ask.


If someone does cut power to the tools in the wood shop - can you leave power to the lathes on - they don’t rely on the Felder - thanks,

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Adding lockouts the plugs of tools that should not be used would be a good way of ensuring they are not used.

Master Lock S2005 Lockout Tagout Electrical Prong Plug Lockout https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001HWF4ME/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_DEXNRG252WR8WKYS7TGA


No!, Mr Wolf. The rounders must suffer along with everyone else:)

Tread carefully. The Multicam doesn’t need the Felder either.

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It’s a good thing that mythical dust boot you have been making isn’t installed yet:)-

Now go crawl back into your hole(workshop) and get to building it.

Long live the shop vac!

Ha. Even when it’s there a shop-vac will still be an option if the Felder is down. All the more reason to use the Multicam as a saw, planer, router, etc.

Multicam everything!


Above, we can see what results are when a member has consumed a whole gallon of CNC router table Koolaid.



While maybe not the best tool for those individual processes… he’s not wrong… :joy::rofl:



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Is this a good thread to follow for updates on when the system is back up?

Probably the one that’s pinned at the top


A better thread would be the one pinned at top of thread list.


Ah, thanks. I didn’t see it before because I filtered by the Woodshop category.

I’m going to make Felder down and so is this machine signs for every machine in the shop that relies on the Felder. Maybe that’ll help. Certain people “didn’t seem to notice” the Felder busted wide open (clearly down) with the sign for some reason.


Thanks. I thought the signs on the doors and the Felder would suffice. I’ll print out more next time :slight_smile:

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Not your fault. Some people don’t respect or pay attention to signage.

I’m a teacher, and no matter how many ways I give instructions, students still come to me asking what to do. I then ask them if they read the instructions after I wrote them on the board and put them on the projector and read them allowed… the answer is usually “no.”

Some adults are no different. You can lead a horse to drink…

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Sounds like maybe we can blame the way they were taught. :thinking: :rofl: