My girlfriend and I are new members and are wondering when the next welding safety will be. Any info regarding this would be helpful, thank you
Stay tuned as there should be one soon. This will be the safety class & MIG.
Count me in, too, as I’d like to start training others.
Need this class as well.
I would also be interested on this class as well!
I wish welding safety class and MIG instruction.
Hey chuck this casey the welder that came in for a quick tour the other week. I payed my dues and need the saftey class. I am really only ibterested in the metal shop so the sooner the better. I can teach a class sometime on the weekend as well.
i too need to be checked out on this equipment. a class would be nice too.
Adding my interest to get certified on the welders as well.
Awesome! I really want to get started learning the basics. When the class is available, will it be posted on the event board?
@LeeCJones was talking about scheduling some classes this month/next month, so keep an eye out for them!
I will gladly teach the class but need the training materials so it’s consistent.
Am interested in learning to weld but having trouble finding a scheduled and available pre-req Hot Process Safety course. I’ve been watching the Event board for a while. Any idea when the next one will be scheduled so I can sign up early?
Thanks in advance.
IIRC there is one in limbo on the calendar, which means it should become available in a couple days.
As a side note, we always will do sign offs for welding and hot process to those who show up to committee meetings and haven’t been able to get into a class. First Saturday of every month at noon.
It will be Sunday 10/6. 12:30 for the safety, and 3pm for MIG welding. I kinda expect to see it available on the calendar sometime tomorrow evening.
Got it. Thank you!