If I join again, does training start over or do some things carry through?
I recall this question before, but I think it’s all locked down now.
Your training stays in place.
It can be superseded by newer training. This mostly happens in Laser. Occasionally 3D. Woodshop…never.
Thanks. Really appreciate it.
As I recall I’d trained in laser, vinyl cutter, woodshop, leather, sewing machines, and shapeoko. (Understand in laser there are new machines, so would do training again. Plus, although I never hurt the machines, I never quite got a handle on using them. Did laser etch a leather bracelet my daughter still wears.) (And dang. That list of training is longer than I realized.)
Will the ShapeOko survive the new set up? I’d really like to get back to making linoleum stamps.
There are no plans to decommision it. It looks like it will move from CA to Woodshop as owner. Otherwise no change.
There MIGHT be a second smaller CNC machine. We had one donated. It has some issues. It is larger and older than the Shapeoko.
I think moving it to woodshop makes a lot of sense.
Ok, y’all. Cheers. Maybe see you soon.