I don’t know if quotes are needed but I was thinking of Johnny Carson and the whole envelope on the head moment.
Think about all your time spent at makerspace - for some it’s just a matter of weeks or others it’s been years.
Challenge - Try to gauge your TOP THREE coolest things (actual physical objects) you’ve seen made (this could be successful or non successful you decide). Tag the maker if you know who it was and include pictures if you have them. If you don’t have either describe it to the best of your ability.
I just think this might be an interesting little dive into the wild and a fun little challenge.
For me (and this took some time to be honest) it would be
@PearceDunlap and @danielle_burbidge wedding arch (no picture - the balance and visual deliciousness is gonna be wickeddddddd)
@John_Marlow mini marble machine - yet anything I’ve seen her do has such a thoughtful and poetic touch it’s simply an honor to touch it.
- The trebuchet because its a friggin trebuchet. Ya people we have a trebuchet it’s broken but we have one.
Ya I have no pictures. I’m on my phone bite me.
Ready set go.
Three baby. Three. Keep going.
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One thing that impressed the hell out of me when I took my tour was the names and lines directing one to all the classrooms.
i made the list twice! You guys are awesome
I’ll add you a third time.
- Tardis
- K-9
- Kickstarter Wall
Perhaps it was a really good idea and you should do it again.
Cruel Bus v1.
Cruel Bus v2.
Cruel Bus v3
Each time it comes in for major work gets more awesome. It’ll never be finished.
Are we officially renaming this thread Your Favorite Pearce Project?
The Sabrewulf Killer Instinct arcade.
Chris W.'s 5-axis machine…
And Anita’s (meanbaby) ceramic tea-pot. Those suckers are hard to make!
@Kriskat30 's Star Trek Gorn outfit and mask (posted in January Show & Tell). Although some of her other items take my breath away as well.
I think I have to divide mine into categories
Neatest and most used items
The common room tables and the bolwing ally table in CA
Neatest of use of multiple tools
Any of Chris miniature, especially the dessert cart
Best use of tools/materials for a creative use
Kris fairy wings
I could keep going but I am trying to fall asleep
I love seeing her creations in Fired Arts!
I have to agree on a couple,
Cruel Bus
Kee’s violin
The lasered wooden art piece that’s above the woodshop door near CA. It’s been there so long, I’ve no idea who made it
Hands down, all the ‘student work’. I’m blown away every time someone who has taken a single class in some new craft shows me what they just made. Everyone is so good at picking up skills.
But as to specific awesome projects:
The violin by @fedakkee and the project progression display as well
Th walnut table by Larry that I eyeballed every time I walked into the shop
Fibulae by @Terrence