What's wrong with benchy?

Fixed the donated 3D printer…heat creep clog because the guy was doing 230 with a 110 bed so I cleared the tube and cleaned the nozzle. Extrusion was fine.

This was our first benchy on 200 with 60 bed. Cooling fan was off. Are my temps wrong or is that typical for a cheap printer with unknown quality filament? In my uneducated opinion the top looks pretty good but the hull is terrible (PLA)

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Your temps are probably high PLA usually runs best at 180c to 200c. For PLA the part cooling fan is a must. I would also lower your bed temp to 70c or 80c. From the picture it looks like you are expecting some over extrusion. I would go through the extrusion calibration routine again.

What slicer are you using?

What type of extruder (geared, direct drive, bowden) is on the printer?

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The top temp so were his. The boat in the pic 200 for the hot end and 60 on the bed. I’ll try another one with the cooling fan on. The printer manual said not to use one with PLA but I don’t trust it since it’s one of those Chinese knockoffs. I can try to lower it to 180 too.

If by extrusion routine you mean making the cube before the boat that’s what I’ve done. Silcer is Makerware. Idk what those other terms mean but it’s similar to this one


I’m quite a newbie at 3d printing and robot builds in general but I’m enjoying learning. Lol it took me four days to pick apart the extruder to find the clog and I still haven’t figured out how to level the dual heads so I just took the left nozzle off so they quit running into the print :laughing:

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You might also look at the Z Hop option for the dual-extrusion/collision issue: this will have the the printer move up a bit when passing over already-printed parts of the current layer.

For PLA, I’d try 190 and 60.

I did 200 with a 110 bed and got a decent trex skull done. 180 helped but clogged, 70 no adhesion. Seems like as long as I use rafts it doesn’t do that as bad. The kids can just clean up any zits. It’s much easier to teach an art kid to sand than to teach them slicer programs that complicated lol. Makerware lets me set temps, layer heights, infil, and speed. That’s it. Program doesn’t even show you where supports are placed it just lets you pick on or off. I might play with cura over the summer and see if I can get it dummy proof enough for them.

Why are you using a heated bed with PLA?

Because the reel said so