What's the current tool status of Automotive?

Last time I came to the makerspace for auto repairs (at least a year ago), I was disappointed to find the tool chests lacking in a lot of basic tools. In the years I have been going, those tool chests rarely seem to get re-stocked. Is this still currently the case? I have a rather involved repair that I need to perform, but I don’t want to get my front end 80% disassembled only to find a necessary ratchet extension or torx socket is missing or borrowed by the race team.

It depends on what you’re looking for. It can be hard to find things, but the basic stuff is pretty much all there (sockets, wrenches, impact, multitool, pliers, etc.). I believe we’re going to order some replacements for the plastic headed ratchets though as those things have not held up.

Specialty stuff is much more hit or miss though, worth checking for e.g. a ball joint separator and making sure what’s there will work for you before taking the whole thing apart and coming up short at the critical moment.