What wood is this?

Can anyone identify this wood? I don’t even know if it’s one type or two.

I have a couple chunks that I’m considering turning. I’d like to know what it is so I can look up the hardness.

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Does it have an odor?

(I ask not because I might know but instead because it may help those who do know.)

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Has some of the figuring I’ve seen in Birdseye Maple, example

Could also be a burl, like carpathian elm,

Here is a cool site for trying to figure this stuff out as a novice.


Looks like the Carpethian Elm Burl that I’ve seen.

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Looks a bit like quilted maple

Edit: I really want it to be tambootie because apparently that’s a tree


I have a block just like it. It is Thuya Burl. It cost $85.00 at Wood World.


Good question. Sanding produces a pleasant odor that’s sort of sweet/sour. Both blocks produce the same odor.

These blocks are small - about 1-1/4" x 1-1/2" x 3". They were originally destined to become knife scales.


paging @mkart - I’ve got ten bucks that says Matt knows what it is and has some stashed away somewhere.

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Of course, you can buy pen blanks of it at Rockler for about $9. It does have a distinct smell as it only grows in a couple of places on Earth including Morocco. They make perfume from it.

I think Dan nailed it. The non burl grain does remind me of elm but if the odor is sweet or pleasant it’s not elm. My guess is Thuya as well. Unless I gave it to you then elm because I’m not giving Thuya to anyone.


Well gosh, now that I know what it probably is, I’m reluctant to use it the way I had originally planned. I had planned to cut it up to make a (miniature) segmented turning.

That’s called prettywood.

Actually I have no idea but it’s awesome.


From Wood Database: “Odor: Thuya has a very distinct, cedar-like smell.”

If its not Thuya (and I’m leaning that direction), it could also be Brown Mallee burl (which is much harder). Those would make some great scales and/or pens.

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