I need to print something on canvas, then glue the canvas to some wood, about 1 square foot. I’m not looking to just tack the edges, I need a complete coverage (like wallpaper paste). FWIW, for this application, it can’t be stretched … it has to be glued.
I’m thinking some type of contact cement is a good choice and with a light coat it shouldn’t seep through.
Has anyone tried this? I’m open to any suggestions.
I have not. But, the glue used to hold down Formica may work well. It goes on like paint. After a few minutes (15?) it becomes super sticky. The stuff I last used was a bright green so the bright color may be a problem.
a contact cement should work. the evil empire, sorry I meant Tandy Leather does sell a pretty decent water-based contact that can be used indoors. I’m betting the leather SIG has some in the cabinet. cheers!
What about PVA glue (like for bookbinding)? It glues on fabric/paper to porous surface (like chipboard, wood,etc) without big issues of soaking through (I like to put thin layer and let get slightly tacky then stick together), and it holds like iron when dry. Covers smooth, solid, thin. Can get at hobby store.
I did a piece a bit back of gluing a fused bamboo textile thingy to wood and it was attached extremely strong. Plus if there were seepage, it dries clear and wont yellow later
Fwiw @dryad2b mention he’s gone to using Elmer’s (a type?) watered down(??) Instead of PVA. Might look into that too
As far as I can tell, Elmer’s Glue All IS PVA. Of course not all PVAs are created equal…
Also, if it matters, Elmer’s says their acid-free products are labeled as such (the oft-spotted Glue All and School Glue are NOT). http://www.elmers.com/about/faqs/general
FWIW, I was thinking rubber cement, of which Elmer’s sells a “Craftbond” line variety which IS acid-free (again, if that matters). http://www.elmers.com/product/detail/E425
There are probably similar products, in bigger cans, costing less money. And I agree that Leather (among others) probably already has some that’d do peachy…
Thanks. Yeah figured they were close with some subtleties (PVA/Elmer’s) since the bookbinding and block-printing folks used. There was a slight distinction floating in my mind after a conversation with beth, but was fuzzy. Thx for digging out more info
You could bring it by your not so local frame shop where I could put in my heated vacuum press.
Dry mount while you wait !
3m makes a great spray contact adhesive also
All the Titebonds wood glues (i.e. I, II, and III) are PVAs, and we typically keep decent supplies of them in the Wood Shop. Titebond I is the best choice for uses discussed here.