What to do when a personal project crosses committee borders?

Hi all!

I’ve been a member for about a month now, and it’s pretty much been “kid in a candy shop” the whole time - things I never even thought of attempting are now stewing in the back of my mind.

That being said, I initially joined so that I could work on a few different things. Most of the list (learning lathework and 3d printing) is straightforward, but the other (cosplay) is vexing me a little more.

I have a few projects on my burner, and I’m not sure where I can work on them; the sewing is easy (CA) but where would I go to work on cutting, fine-tuning, and assembling vac-formed ABS? Painting? Is something like that possible here at the space? How does the tool overlap work, if at all? Where can I set up where I won’t be an obstruction? :slight_smile:

Related, but not as relevant to the question: I know there’s a Cosplay SIG, but there’s almost nothing on the wiki about it - can someone teach me the secret handshake that gets me introduced to that circle?

Thanks greatly - this place is awesome and I’m really wringing the most out of my membership.


Any and all of the tables in the workshop are open to whatever type of project you want to work on. There are tools available, although specialty tools may not be. If you borrow a tool from a committee area, make sure it is allowed to take and certainly make sure you return it. have fun!


Welcome to the space @mreynolds is the SIG chair for cosplay btw


You can also go to Cosplay makerspace Dallas, and see events, classes and chat with outer cosplayers form makerspace.

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Welcome!! Yes, we have a Cosplay group that used to meet monthly, however due to real life getting in the way of playtime, i’ve not been able to keep up with the meetings and they dwindled.

But thats not to say Cosplay at DMS is gone! If you have any questions, feel free to message me and i’ll try and get you your answers :smiley: