I recently obtained a ton of open-box return Window FX projector units. I tested them, and most have at least one defect that makes them unsuitable for selling online (I do a lot of eBay selling).
Inside is a fan, LED backlight, lenses, transparent digital screen, etc. Are there any groups (DMS included) that would benefit from having these? There could be some educational value in disassembling them, and you can do some pretty interesting art projects with them (I spent an evening messing with the lenses inside, writing on the transparent projector screen, etc). They could also possibly be refurbished (some work just fine but the fan is burnt out, or there’s just something loose and rattling inside, etc).
I would gladly donate them to keep them out of a landfill. I can also ship them nationwide, and maybe even cover the shipping cost if it’s for a compelling charity or something. However I can’t include peripheral items like the 12v power converter, SD card, etc.