What maker wouldn’t like to say “I’m doing a science experiment?”

While you’re stuck at home, why not try making a custom sourdough starter from scratch?

This Cook’s Illustrated series walks you through making a starter (called a “levain”). It explains why you repeatedly chuck out 3/4 of each batch and add flour/water to the remainder, what to expect as the levain matures, the science behind the process, etc.

This author’s approach is to make a “mini levain” starting with only 10g of flour to minimize waste as it develops and matures.

Takes 2-3 weeks, but hey, we’ve all got some time and you also get to name your creation. I think I’ll be naming mine “Panda Monium.”

Let’s bake some bread!


Around about 2:17 this guy has a good idea for what to do with all the starter you have to throw away. Pan fry it into a flat bread with spices.


KAF has a section dedicated to sourdough discard recipes…

It’s good to know I’m not the only person who has trouble binning “perfectly good food”…


The intriguing thing about the article (and the primary premise) is that the initial starter is created using only 10g (a heaping tablespoon) of flour. As the starter is refreshed, only a handful of grams of flour is discarded. Probably not worth saving, but he does include options of collecting several discards for one recipe in a layer post in the series.

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Just to throw my 2 cents in. I tried to make a sourdough starter years ago. There are articles about using “wild Yeast” and promising something akin to the famous San Francisco Boudin bakery and those are all good… IF you live in California. Wild yeast in Texas is …well… persnickety. You might get lucky and get …“something” but let’s just say, I gave up… HOWEVER, in my quest for the California experience in Texas, I discovered several things and got quite elaborate. For example, you can even purchase a sourdough “flavoring” for your bread, which ain’t bad. OK now for the long awaited USEFUL information and something I highly suggest. If you just want plain bread, you’re good… but if you want the real deal sourdough, allow me to offer this How to Acquire a Sourdough Starter – Breadtopia and in particular, this one mentioned in that article Source . If sourdough is what you are after Its not cheating to get a genuine starter. At least in MY area, flour is coming back so you might want to just start a new family tradition.

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I have some of the “Carl’s Friends” Sourdough (which came to Oregon via the Oregon Trail in the 1800’s). Wouldn’t surprise if if they aren’t being slammed for requests in the current situation, though.

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“I have some of the “Carl’s Friends” Sourdough (which came to Oregon via the Oregon Trail in the 1800’s). Wouldn’t surprise if if they aren’t being slammed for requests in the current situation, though.”

Wow! Fantastic! How does it taste? Excellent point. they may be unable to keep up with requests. Let’s just let that be information for a future date.

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