What kind of airbrush hoses does the space have?

I recently came into possession of a Badger airbrush, but they use smaller connectors than the hoses we seem to have at the space. Searching around online, Iwata and Grex both look like what we’ve got, but use different adapters, so there must be dome difference. What is it we’ve got so I know what to buy? Or do we have a Badger adapter somewhere that I couldn’t find?

Paging @mreynolds
I figured you’d know or know who does

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If they’re smaller than the hoses for the airbrushes at the makerspace then try one of the paasche hoses in the big black tote near the air compressors. The hoses for it aren’t in very useable state but at least should give you an idea as to size.

Also, send a pic of your airbrush. It may have a reducer attached

It doesn’t have a reducer, Badger airbrushes just use a smaller hose size in general. Here’s a photo of the airbrush I have - Dropbox

More digging around shows at least that Grex and Iwata are the same thing, so I bought an adapter from Badger to that size, and we’ll see if that works.

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