Before I start I’m not blaming anyone, this is not me going after the current or previous committee members. At the same time I do realize there is a pandemic which had the makerspace closed for around 3 months and makes it where it is hard to have large groups of people working on a single project.
It has been over two years since the expansion started and it only seems like it is part way done. Some of the smaller groups have moved; glass, ceramics, VECTOR, 3D Printing, screen printing, science and electronics. The machine shop has moved over to 102 during 2020 but even before this point things have seemed to stalled out. Below I have a list of questions about the state of the expansion, these are general, big picture questions on the expansion that involve most or all of DMS.
Who is in charge/working on the overall expansion project? Are these people still willing to work on this or do they want to hand it off to someone else?
What is the overall plan for the expansion?
Are the other committee’s involved with the expansion plans?
What parts of the expansion can be done by DMS members?
What parts of the expansion have to be done by an outside service? This is electrical, plumbing, A/C and so on.
Are monetary issues holding up the expansion?
Are volunteer issues holding up the expansion?
I don’t expect any one person to have an answer to these questions but each one should be able to be answered. For the monetary question I’m not expecting an entire financial breakdown to be given but a simple “Yes, the pandemic made it where some of the electrical and build-out work had to be put on hold” to suffice.
Getting answers these question out in the open can let everyone know what is going on as well as get things moving again so that DMS is up and running at its full potential.
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As the chair of a committee that’s supposedly being affected by upcoming work, I’m given about NIL in terms of information.
I’ve been asked to postpone equipment repairs and replacements because “electrician is coming” yet I was given no notice until that ask (which was reactionary to an announcement about replacing a machine), I have no info on what the electrician is “waiting” on, and no timeline nor scope of work on how we’re affected.
Heck I found out only after the last round of electrical work that the plan for how metal shop receives 480 power changed
I know nothing. And, it is my strong suspicion that there is practically nothing to know. For instance, so far as I know, no one is currently in charge of the expansion. #6 might be an issue, but there again – I don’t know. If 7 is an issue, so far as I know no one is addressing it. I think we’d set that #5 is going to be 100% contracted.
My understanding is major expenses for expansion, purchases, etc. are on temporary hold due to the impact of CV-19.
Major items left to do in the 102 warehouse include:
- Walls for Blacksmithing and the electrical room.
- Duct work, controls and installation of exhaust fan on roof for kilns.
- Duct work, controls and installation of exhaust fan on roof for Blacksmithing.
- Figuring out what we can have for Automotive - This has a lot of moving parts.
Most of your other questions have bee addressed in other threads. Do a search and post the links here if you feel the need.
As far as DMS being at its full potential, the CV-19 situation is the main problem.
As for #1, I was the person in charge of Expansion up until about 3 months ago. I have since moved away from the Dallas area to Knoxville, Tennessee. As a volunteer, like everybody else, I was able to get the 102 side of DMS moved. I got all of the electrical for the following committees; 3D Fab, Electronics, Vector, Printmaking, Glassmaking, Jewelry, Ceramics, Machine Shop, Plastics SIG, and the Common Room.
All of the Engineering drawings and construction bid requests to complete the 22 foot tall walls around Blacksmith and the 102 ventilation system are in the hands of the Board of Diectors.
Being 700 miles away limits my volunteer activity, it is time for someone else to approach the Board and volunteer to finish the Expansion project. Every 6 months the Chairs of every committee changes and so too are the desires of the requirements for Expansion. This is no easy task, it is like trying to hit a moving target.
Just be thankful for what DMS has to offer everyone. COVID-19 has.affected every industry and living thing on this Planet, why should DMS be any different?
@richmeyer has done a great job with our expansion. As he was acting as our general contractor and doing quite a bit of the electrical to boot, we’re re-evaluating what we need in terms of contractors and are currently vetting out several companies. COVID-19 has slowed things down a bit, along with the holidays and some personal events among those of us handling things. We do have a new volunteer with project management experience that’s going to be helping us out as well.
The next phase of the expansion is exactly what Rich put above. We’re looking for several walls to be built, doors to be put in, along with HVAC and ventilation for several areas. When we have bids back, we’ll be sure to let everyone know, especially as I’m sure we’ll need volunteers to help make sure things are moved around to make things easier for contractors.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are a rock star and we can’t thank you enough for your amazing work!
I’ve got some updates on the process.
We have a project manager who has stepped up and is coordinating bids with a number of contractors. We hope to have responses soon.
We are working with the landlords roofers to get the mini splits installed and some new roof leaks addressed.
We are also in the process of addressing several long standing tickets in our software infrastructure.