What glazes on bowl?

So, @cmcooper0, what glazes did you use on that little blue bowl? The one you didn’t recognize…

The very small one with texture on the outside? I didn’t glaze it. I gave it to someone in the glaze class that didn’t have a chance to make a bisque piece in advance.

Ah. That’s why it’s still sitting on the shelf.

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That’s probably mine. I can’t pick up as I’m overseas right now. @cmcooper0 Would you please put it in my husband’s box if it’s a bother on the shelf? Thank you!!

Not a bother at all, plenty of room. But I’ll tuck it in Zack’s galley box next time I’m up there.

And that stack of ornaments next to it on the shelf are also hers. The less-traditionally glazed ones. Let me know if you need further info.