What do you want in a printer at DMS?

Thanks @motopilot

What will you print at DMS:

  • Art/Photos/Glicee: PS glicee is just a fancy word for inkjet
  • Blueprint/Patterns: Simple image but large
  • Temporary Posters: No fine art but above blueprint quality
  • Something different: list below in the comments

0 voters

What type of media do you want to print on:

  • White Matte Paper
  • Glossy Photo Paper
  • Canvas
  • Something Different: List below in the comments

0 voters

Size = cost. What’s the most needed width you believe DMS members will need access to

  • Up to 24"
  • 24"-36"
  • 36"-48"
  • 48"+

0 voters

What’s the most you’re willing to pay for prints (per linear foot) on PHOTO paper

  • $1 per linear foot
  • $2 per linear foot
  • $3 per linear foot
  • $4 per linear foot
  • $5 per linear foot
  • $5+ per linear foot

0 voters

How many prints do you realistically see yourself printing per month

  • I won’t be printing at the space
  • very rarely but I would use it on occasion
  • 1
  • 2-3
  • 3-5
  • 5+

0 voters

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Adhesive backed vinyl would be what I’d love to print on.


Adding to what you said, if we don’t get a printer that can contour cut then we should upgrade the vinyl cutter to one with an optical registration feature so we can kiss-cut vinyl stickers.


Could you do a bit of research for me (no rush)?
I found this: SignWarehouse - Vinyl Cutters, Large Format Color Printers, Heat Press – Signwarehouse | SignWarehouse

See if you can find out what type of ink it takes. I couldn’t find anything

I want to be able to print outdoor signs and print car wraps. Decals would be great as well.



Print Compatibility: Latex, Solvent, Eco-Solvent, UV Curable

For best results, utilize ORAFOL ICC profiles available at www.orafolamericas.com and allow solvent-based inks to dry for at least 24 hours (48-72 hours preferred) at 70°F before cutting the graphic to the ink or applying a laminate.


Are you starting a side hustle?


Thanks - that was quick

I bet he just wants to get ready for hunting season



Camo is my favorite color



Any particular reason for that medium? There is a ton of adhesive back vinyl out there that is not not limited to Latex and take 3 days to dry. Look at 3M for all the different types of adhesive back material.

What you are looking for is a Plotter. You can create the plotter cut as a layer in AI and “print” it to the plotter. Mimaki is a pretty common brand and well liked. Great for making a sheet of stickers or decals.

For what medium? I just want something sticky back that I can use to print some arcade related things. :slight_smile:

I didn’t choose the stuff I looked up the data sheet for… I was just looking it up for Nicole.

What if some of use like to use more then one option in the poll ???

What would I like to print at the Space?
Photos and digital designs on glossy, matte, or canvas paper. Car wrap graphics. Custom bumper stickers. Custom wallpaper. Possibly occasional outdoor signage.

The real question is HOW do we want to print? Typical printers like we had are referred to as solvent printers. Latex is the other option. Why would we want to even consider Latex? The ink is mostly water and doesn’t put off gas like solvent. Many industries including auto paint are moving towards water soluble for both Earth and regulation reasons. Here’s an interesting article discussing pros and cons of both technologies: Latex vs solvent - Image Reports

I can see a multitude of cross committee opportunities given the right printer and media options. I have more articles for those that are interested, but don’t want to start listing off printers before we even decide ink type.


Ya my fault. I just googled “printable vinyl” and that where it directed me. If you have knowledge please share with us.

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Just lost them here in the comments please. I know it’s not perfect but it’s something to start with

What I personally would want to print would be banned for my booth
They need to be able to be good reproduction fo pics of my work
and they would need to be fairly large and waterproof

After looking at the expansion space, I would love to see the committees be able to
print large anned of the type of work they do and hang them on the walls in the workshp

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I like that idea … yes this would be great!


I would pay easily a competitive rate to whatever the cost of large prints at walmart are