So, I jumped in with both feet on the woodturning area after classes with @talkers and @TheFur (both of these guys are great - by the way; probably some of the better classes I’ve taken here). I spent pretty much most of the weekend in the woodshop making some pens and a lot of sawdust.
It was a little… tricky at times since the condition of the tools isn’t super great. It took a few tries to find some not dull carbide cutters, not because I don’t know how to adjust/sharpen them - but rather because the Allen key is stripped out and it’s just not possible to rotate/remove the blade. Same thing with barrel trimmer (though I did end up going online and learning how to sharpen that for the future).
I’d love to get more involved with the day-to-day care and feeding of the area. I know the first answer is “attend the committee meeting!” - and I plan to.
I know some of this is best solved by acquiring my own toolbox of tools (sounds weird when you say it like that) - but unless I want to drop a bunch of money right off the bat, it’ll take me a bit of time. Which behooves me to help keep the DMS materials in the best shape possible.
Thoughts? I can also keep my mouth shut - I’m a new guy and know that I’m fairly low on the totem pole. Just trying to do my part.
Everyone gets paid the same here so no totem pole. If you’d like to come to the next wood turning sig meeting that’s a great start, going to the woodshop committee meeting is a little less helpful because of the broader scope. There’s another carbide that’s stripped? Do you recall which, I just fixed two recently. I’m not sure which tool you mean by barrel trimmer. Basic upkeep in the area is always helpful like making sure the chucks are in the correct rolling cabinets, just deep cleaned most of the ones for the jet lathes so spraying them out with air would be appreciated. Stuff like that
Barrel Trimmer: After inserting the brass barrel in a pen blank, it is used to trim the blank flush and square to the barrel. They dull easily, then generate too much heat and break the CA bond between the barrel and the blank.
@jnorine Link to where you learned to sharpen? That great info!
Thank you John for volunteering. It is that spirit that makes the Space a success. Nate is a great example of our volunteers. Though many help, he and Jimmy and Jeff keep the Lathes spinning as well as they do.
@jlcourtman ordered more carbide bits. We have a list ready for other supplies. I’ll add you that thread.
Also @jnorine apologies I meant to thank you for volunteering to help and got distracted by there possibly being a third easy tool to drill out. If you haven’t met Jimmy Arledge or Jeff yet they are amazingly skilled turners, I’ve learned stuff from Jimmy just by watching him turn his own projects. @Lordrook does some very cool project classes and resin/hybrid work, I’d recommend taking at least the safety razor class
Hi John, and welcome! I’m glad we got another person with the bug for turning, that’s awesome. Thanks for the offer of additional help in the turning area, we can use all the help we can get! If I am ever around the space and you need some help, feel free to flag me down, I’m always happy to assist. Pens are a fantastic way to practice turning on the cheap. I generally recommend, if pen-making is something you really want to get into, that you grab a 10 pk of the slimline kits and a 10 pack of the standard pen blanks and just go crazy (they have both on amazon and you’ll drop maybe $35 total). They make excellent gifts and it really helps solidify the basics of tuning.
As for project classes, those are my jam. I have 2 coming up soon so if you are interested here are the links.
Edit- I’m 6ft, bald, red beard. Hard to miss. I look like a leprechaun just kept growing into a full human size. The only thing I need is a green suit and bowler hat.
Honestly I just need to dedicate the time to finding a “big guy” suit pattern and find some decent Kelly green suiting material. I could whip that up for next years St. Patricks’ day/Halloween (and random pranks). I could get a lot of mileage out of the comedy gold of that costume.
This is the one! Mike from Craft Supplies USA and I are starting to become friends. Though I do slightly judge him for the satin-esque shirt (mostly just jealous, I guess). I mean, it looks easy, and it’s something I’d be happy to do when needed.
Wow - I did not expect this response. Thanks for making a noob feel welcome.
@Nate there was a small and mid-sized easy wood rougher tool that appeared stripped out (as of Saturday night) - I may have looked slightly like the fool turning a pen with a full-sized tool… but it worked. Mostly.
This gives me a good start on where to… start (DAMMIT I need to stop doing that). I’d be interested in possibly doing some deeper learning and learn how to sharpen the traditional tools and do basic maintenance on the lathes so that there’s another set of hands who can help with that. I’m looking forward to getting more involved in general, so thanks for the first step!
On an additional side note, are you planning on coming out to Open House this Saturday? Want to help with the woodturning Demo’s? You don’t have to necessarily turn anything for an audience, but we could use folks to help talk to passers-by while someone is doing a demonstration. You may be thinking, "but I don’t know much, and that’s okay; what we need is enthusiasm for the craft. We can add you to that chat as well if interested.
I can! I have to go to auditions for a show I’m MDing at 1:30, but can be there until then - I’d love the excuse to make more pens/talk to people. Just tell me how I can help!
This might not be the perfect post to piggy back on but here I go.
The Hunt County Woodturning Club has a two day class for woodturners on 10-20 and 21 at Rockler in Garland. 8-5 both days. They have 6 of their best turners coming out to have the class members help you make 6 projects over the two days. It for beginners or those without a lot of experience but they go through many phases of turning. It is $150 for both days and Rockler is providing all the materials. If you have tools good but if not you can use theirs. Angela and I are going. They have 6 of 12 slots still open.
I know the group well and they are both master turners and also very patient instructors. They have done this a few times and have gotten rave reviews.
You can go to the Hunt County Club website under events to see it and also sign up.