What are the vacuum chamber / pressure tank for?

I am updating CA’s portion of the tools section in the wiki. I would like to include the pressure and vacuum chambers.


I’m guessing they are used for … mold making?

Does anyone know either mfgr/model, or capacity, or some other useful way in which these would be designated?

Is training required? Is there a class, or is it just one-on-one by some knowledgeable person (and who is that, BTW)?

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The vacuum tank and pump are on loan from me. It’s for degassing mold rubber/resin. No training for it, but I’d be happy to show how it works to anyone that needs to use it. It’s a 8 CFM vacuum pump. The degassing chamber is 5 gallons with a glass top.


If that’s your tank where is the one we purchased?

Please disregard. We decided not to buy one because we had one on loan. Sorry, that was when we were purchasing all make and manner of things for Moldmaking, sewing and the room. It was on the original list but we decided to move that purchase aside.

I don’t know, but I would ask Val. I was in contact with him when I brought in the vacuum chamber. You can consider the vacuum pump and vacuum chamber donated if you want them. I understand if you would like something different though. Just want to give back to the space!

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No I am eternally thankful for your donation. I made a mistake we didn’t move forward with a purchase after we saw your donation. Thank you for your care.

Reference was to Pressure Pot, not to pump or vacuum chamber.

If you are truly willing to donate those, I’ll get you formal donation form so you have it for taxes. But a loan is great and we thank you. On our inventory list we need to note if loaned and from whom.

Again thanks!

Yes, I am serious about the donation. I sent a PM to Nicole to request a donation form.

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Which brings me back to part (b) of my original question … can anyone tell me anything about the (black) pressure pot? Manufacturer or model? Capacity or some other spec? Is it correct to assume it’s unpowered and relies on a compressor? (Do we have a compressor?)

I’ll get it to you filled out and signed. Made out to Ryan Shill.

Thanks a lot!

Nicole has the order somewhere in the zillion iyems of her phone. I believe she got it on Amazon. @uglyknees

@uglyknees Is it this one? 5 gallon pressure pot tank (possibly supplied by TCP Global ? )

And for what is in intended to be used? Molds?

Yes, that’s our baby.
The intended use is for it to sit in a corner and have people wonder- kidding

It’s for Moldmaking. Thank you you’re great.

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