@Committee_Chairs and everyone
What are important yes/no questions we should be asking about DMS?
I don’t understand the question o.o
Has your area had a cleaning day in the last month?
Do you have published rules that are obvious to find?
Are these the kind of questions you are looking for?
Ya I guess it’s a bit strange. I was thinking about posting up some questions during the October 20th meeting and having people “vote” - about things concerning DMS. Like this graphic
I was trying to think about simple questions that we could ask to get input and I decided it would be best to ask everyone to come up with ideas.
No reason except for “testing the temperature” on ideas. It would be interesting if every “department” had a question to answer.
Like sayyyyy CA: does the noise of the vinyl cutter bother you to the point where we should buy another vinyl cutter
yes or no - I hear from people who complain about it about but I wonder what everyone might think.
Does that help?
Those are good - but more directed to the members input on committee or larger decisions.
Like a visual poll.
I think these are some good general questions:
Should you be able to cut Pine in the woodshop?
Do you feel appreciated as a DMS volunteer?
Does the DMS feel messy?
Does the DMS do enough to welcome new members?
Should the DMS sponsor some big community oriented projects?
Hey man, Let’s put some words behind your disgust. What are you thinking about? Let’s talk it out
I was hoping for a puke: yes/no poster.
Sometimes you feel better afterwards, hey?
Do you feel like DMS is a good value?
Do you do enough to help keep DMS running?
Are puppies better than kittens?
Should comittees be required to document rules on the wiki?
This would be neat at open house. A grid with each of the areas having a box, then ask visitors to put a dot on 1 or 2 areas they found most appealing. Might be neat to see where the interest is.
Should we reset AD privileges when someone drops their membership?
Should members have to retake their training if they drop and then restart their membership?
(edit, dang it, meant to reply to the thread not to you @John_Marlow)
Have you ever attended a committee meeting?
Does DMS have a duty to remind members who are paying dues but haven’t badged-in at the space in over (a year / six months / some other date range) that their membership is active?
We do send out election letters at least once a year …