What a Laser and its versatility

What a cool machine. Not sure what it costs, I’m guessing expensive, but the versatility is awesome.

These seem to be pretty standard CO2 lasers, though i can’t find where they say what kind of laser is being used. What is so cool that they offer that isn’t offered on the Thunder Laser?

Was kind of expecting some amazing new thing based on the post.

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It’s obviously better - they spell it laZer. :rofl:
(to be clear - that’s sarcasm)


Being a novice with lasers in general and the Thunder specifically, I have to admit I don’t know what it is capable of or not.

What caught my attention with this Laser was that you could roll a door, etc., underneath it. Watching the nice slick marking video, to me, seemed very versatile. Of course the Thunder could be just as versatile as this Laser. :wink: