Well dang, the web page I am looking for is no longer available. How do I find it?

So, if you have ever followed a link from a book and found that the web site is no longer around? Annoying isn’t it?

Well anyway, this is a little tutorial on how to get to that information (hopefully) and it has the side benefit that you can also use the technique to look at older versions of live web pages. It centers around something called the wayback machine.

First step, find out your page is gone…

Second step, is go to the way back machine, Wayback Machine

Third step, type in desired address and look at ‘history’ of snapshots available

Finally, select the snapshot you want (blue highlighted date for selected year) and view your information

So this is what people mean when they say, that once it is on the INTERNET, it never goes away.


Great tutorial!
Please tell me this isn’t your first foray into the Wayback Machine?
BTW, it’s part of the “Internet Archive Project”, which also houses the “Open Library”, which is fun to explore, and they house a “Movie Archive” which is less cleverly named, but might still be fun (I’ve never bothered).

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No, its not, but as I was using it this morning I thought it would be a good post as many people may not be aware of it.

Oh the internet archive also has a very nice collection of old 70’s and 80’s computer magazines, which I enjoy reading.