The welding processes (TIG, MIG, Stick) need more trainers and classes. We need a “train the trainers” night to kick this effort off, much like has been done on the PlasmaCAM system.
I don’t have a lot of energy and free time simultaneously.
Right now I don’t seem to be working on Saturdays. The first Saturday of September I already have something scheduled. I was intending to teach a MIG class in groups for a lot of Saturday. Just mass produce basic trained MIG users.
If the course is online, they can do it that way, some folks like a class - if they want that I can do it a class.
I like doing some of a class at/with the machines. Learners have different modes, just want to make it so they get the material is delivered in a way that works best for them. I plan to steal shamelessly and use the material you’ve created (kudos), it’s well done and will provide consistency in what is taught. Could make it so they do it on line then I can do a “at machine review” that just takes 15-20 minutes for those that want - wouldn’t even be an honorarium class if done this way.
I think people that have never done something be it welding, wood working, machining, pottery, whatever, hands-on makes it more concrete and reinforces what they did online.