I have a small contracting/consulting business geared primarily to FPGA design, almost solely Xilinx-focused. My company website is a single static html page with description of services and contact info. Other than the contact info, the design is unchanged from around 2005. Soon my site will be linked from the Xilinx website, so I’d like to update it with a more professional look. [ASIDE: To this point, all of my business has been by referral. Hence the lack of urgency to spiff up the site]
I would like to find someone with a much better artistic/design sense than I possess. Some marketing background would also be helpful. As I currently maintain a Wordpress site for a non-profit, it wouldn’t hurt if the new site was done in WP (as much as that will make many gag). But I’m open to other frameworks - or none at all.
I’d like to expand slightly from a static, company information-only, site. One thing I’d like to add would be links to FPGA/HDL design resources. I’m after an ‘engineering’ look, such as an engineering notebook grid background.
Other than the asthetic part, I could probably muddle through this myself. But I’ve got many other things to work on that need my time. If any DMS member can do this work, please PM me. Any recommendations for a non-DMS resource are also welcome.