The Dallas Public Library’s Turn Up! Discovery Faire event is coming up THIS Saturday!
I’m still dealing with some side effects from my new medications, so I haven’t been able to do much toward getting the bookmarks going - other than add the words “Dallas Makerspace” to the original file…
We still need to have a bunch of Dallas Makerspace Googly Eyes Bookmarks printed up - Before Saturday!
3D Fab (@axeonos) has agreed to donate some filament to get the printing started; and, PolyPrinter has offered to donate some filament to print the bookmarks - both before and during the event. (THANKS AXIE and POLYPRINTER!!!)
If you happen to know how to use the 3D Printers at the 'Space and/or have a 3D printer at home; and, want to help out… Please print as many as you have time for! It will be very much appreciated!!!
The files are on the Committee drive, under 3d fab, in a folder called “3D Fab PR”.
There is a gcode file to print just one bookmark (mostly to test it), and another to print six at a time… There is also a sketchup file - in-case any modifications need to be made… (The one I printed was good; but, I put it there “in-case” we want to modify it in the future…)
Since we are short on time, IF Axie agrees, and IF no-one else is using the printers, please check with Axie to see if she might consider allowing you to print a batch or few of the bookmarks on another printer, while you are printing your own project on one… (Follow her guidance if she agrees… But, I’m guessing putting something like your name/phone number plus “for the event” on the little whiteboard to make sure others know you are using one for yourself, and the other for the 'Space…)
As far as the filament goes… Double check with Axie; but, I believe she wanted the bookmarks to be weighed and a note dropped in the payment box indicating how much filament was used for the bookmarks… Once PolyPrinter drops off some filament for this, it should probably be labeled as for the event (maybe put in a different drawer?) so there will be no confusion that it’s for the event.
Thanks in advance, y’all!!!