We are so lucky/please don't chop up this wood

Went out on a crazy field trip today to go see our collective friend Herb. Herb is a savior of printing presses - literally the coolest barn ever.
He sold us some super special things including what just looks like a casual cabinet of wood. Please. Please. Please people this wood isn’t just wood - it symbolizes the ability to use the letterpress (Niki). The dirt on the wood is special old dirt - soulful dirt. He also sold us a chase - @Photomancer is going to take measurements so we have them incase we need to make additional ones before we release it.

More info soon.


That looks like something that needs a lock…

That barn was a trove of treasures!!

Very excited to get this printing started :smiley: :newspaper:

With it sitting right next to the Shapeoko, I worry that it will be used as test pieces for the Shapeoko. Might want to consider putting a sign on it that says something like “Letterpress components”.

____________________ descriptive enough?