We are finding banned materials in the trash cans at DMS

Sadly I just found this in the trash can at DMS… SYP with cut nails in it.

Look at the shiny nails… the nails destroy our blades and they scratch our cast iron tops on the equipment…

Please stop bring this stuff into DMS and not following the rules! Like, not checking for nails prior to cutting the wood. our Saw Stop is a $7500 dollar saw… the sawstop cast iron top is all scratched up and so is the planner bed… run your hands across them the next time you are in the wood shop…

Abuse of the equipment causes the equipment to brake! Broken equipment cause down time because we have to wait for parts and get the repairs completed. That leads to members not being able to work on their projects. that’s bad! if you have questions you can always ask the woodshop chair…


Is it time to check the videos? This is just ridiculous That looks like construction side rubbish.


Look, I know that I use the apparently hated SPF and white wood for the industrial/steampunk Style and workshop table builds that I do from time to time, but at least I get stuff from the store and not from construction site dumpsters.
And I always make sure that it’s either SPF or Whitewood not TP or SYP.

That being said, what’s in those pictures is blatant disregard for known rules and safety if you actually went through woodshop basics.

Hell, even knowing that I’m buying virgin material from the stores, I still go over it with a metal detector just in case there’s an errant staple.

I will agree that this is a blatant and flagrant disregard of the rules so yeah, the video feeds probably do need to be checked to find out who this particular perpetrator is.

Just my thought