When I was setting to to do my wax injecting demo for JSM, the wax injector popped its lid and erupted all over my front left side, and I ended up with a 2nd degree burn and my hair and shirt full of wax. I definitely made mistakes (such as not having my hair pulled back as I should always do in the workshop), but overall it seems to be an equipment malfunction as determined by Joseph, so that tool will be out of commission until someone can fix it.
I would like to thank everyone that helped me out today with this incident. I don’t know everyone’s names, but especially to the guy who bandaged my arm, and Kris for driving me to the ER. This really is a great community, and I figure I was lucky to have it happen during this important and stressful event since there were so many capable people available to assist me, haha.
Words fail. And clicking the like icon seems inadequate. That you would even have the wherewithal to post amazes me, Hannah. I find myself of two minds: horrified at your injuries and relieved they are not worse.
I think I’ve done so well dealing because I’ve seen it happen to someone else before when I was going to school, ON HIS FACE! (and he deliberately opened the lid while the air pressure was on, this is not a normal thing to happen at all). And I was planning on chopping that many inches soon so I got very lucky.
@MossAgate Hannah, your poise yesterday was remarkable. You handled the incident and yourself with such calm grace. Just as impressive as you writing this kind post.
Jeff was the one that bandaged you. Jayson was there as well helping.
Thanks for the post Hannah, and i’m glad that the response was quick and you’re doing better. I heard about the accident fromTom Cook, the person that got distilled water on your burn right after this happened. He doesn’t do TALK, but I’ll pass your report along.
Update today, took nasty oozing bandages off tonight and tried to clean it, was halfway through rewrapping it when I started feeling faint. Not sure if it’s the Tramadol in my system that my normal meds don’t seem to play nice with, or the horror show it has become. I won’t subject anyone to photos. Now I’m drinking ginger tea trying to calm this nausea. Follow up at burn care center is tomorrow.
And my wonderful hair stylist came in on his day off to take care of me, I got a lot of the wax out on my own and he used some salon grade wax remover to get the rest of the residue, but alas my ends were just fried so they had to come off.
@meanbaby According to Joseph there’s a pressure regulator that did not perform its duty.
I want to thank everyone that came to aid and support Hannah this weekend. The compassion and care from everyone has been impressive. There is no doubt Hannah is a trooper and one tough cookie, but I do wish her a speedy recovery.
This piece of equipment has been taken out of service. We will be replacing the intake regulator and adding a new safety valve to prevent any such accidents in the future.
May not be worth the effort, but I have some lidocaine 5% in petroleum goop that you can have and mix with the silvadene. It will keep it rather numb and is safe to use in the area in the amounts required. I’m typically in North Dallas area btw, PM if interested.
Hannah - I was the spectator there when the wax blew up on you. I’m glad you’re okay and that most of your hair survived.
I got 2 bad burns on my leg from motorcycle exhaust pipes. It looks awful for a long time before it finally heals from the inside out. Keep it covered. Silvadene cream is great.
Thank you for the informative conversation before this incident. I hope to see you again soon, fully healed!