Wax Filament for 3d printing

I would like to try different filaments any thoughts on if or when this might be possible on one of our 3d printers?

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The stance in 3D fab use to be ABS only with the space printers. But, at open house they were printing with Ninja flex, so it may be a possibility. I think the ABS only rule was for space supplied filament and the keep it easy for members to know what they are messing with. @LisaSelk would know better than I about the current rules in 3D Fab. But you could also reach out to other members that have 3D printers as well and see if they would be willing to let your try. I believe Mitch has a 3D printer and is often at the space willing to tinker with things.

Hope this is helpful,
Nick Sainz

If we can get our hands on some we’ll try to formally support it, if
it’s practical to use.


By we you mean the 3d fab or Polyprinter? and if I can get some would be happy to share. Kind of what I was thinking is if it’s ok’d by 3d Fab and/or Polyprinter is that all we have to do?


I’m not sure how much might need to change. It might need as little as
a softer spring. Or it might need a different extruder wheel, lever,

If we can manage the 3D Fab policies on extruder swapping that allows
more than just NinjaFlex to be printed as a special material, then
maybe one more extruder could be set up for another material. Whether
that’s justifiable would depend on demand and practicality, potential
complications (and, I suppose, member behavior).

It looks like 3mm filament in the picture and if that’s the only size
it comes in it will be more difficult to support. We’d need a lot of
changes, and probably need to do something about the filament switch too.

I can’t see any real hard data on that filament yet, so this is just



Thank you very Ed will let you know if I can find this in 1.75mm

The ABS Only rule was primarily a matter of fact that at the time we purchased the printers, ABS was the only filament that was supported by PolyPrinter.

Since that time, they have tested other types of filament and they (PolyPrinter) actually support a few different types of filament at this time. If anyone is interested in purchasing or renting a PolyPrinter printer, they should check with Ed or one of the other guys with PolyPrinter to confirm what they support on printers they sell/rent to others.

As far as what is supported by the 3D Fab Committee at Dallas Makerspace, at this time we have the following:
Two PolyPrinter printers set up for ABS Only printing (this will be expanded to a couple different types of filament in the near future).
One PolyPrinter printer set up for Flexible Filament (primarily NinjaFlex at this time, since that is what we have tested so far).

While swapping out extruders (between the standard extruder and the flex extruder, for example) is not very difficult, it does require other adjustments to be made. While that would be fine in an environment where there are limited users (at home or a production printer that prints the same things all the time), it does not work well in our environment. The reason we purchase PolyPrinter 3D printers - instead of relying on “kits” other member built printers - as our primary 3D printers, is that we want to be able to offer a high level of reliability. That is one of the reasons why we do not swap the extruders out on the 3D printers at the 'Space. We want any member that has been trained on the printer(s) they want to use, to be able to just walk up and use them - without having to make hardware and software adjustments every time.

Regarding Wax Filament, we will have to wait and see if it’s something that PolyPrinter ends up supporting; and, what adjustments may need to be made - before we can determine whether it’s something that can be supported at DMS.


Thank you Lisa that is what I was looking for. If I donate filament to
Polyprinter and they test and support it would they also need to deliver
some sort of document stating proper settings and adjustment
recommendations? and that would be reviewed by the 3d fab group? Don’t mind
funding the study at all but want it to count :).

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Ed is usually pretty good about letting me know what will work or not.

I would love to be able to allow more filament type options. At this time, filaments that do not require any hardware changes will be the most likely to be allowed (for obvious reasons).

Another thing you might consider is discussing this with Mitch (@themitch22). He is going to have a 3D printer class on how to build a printer, and the printer that gets built during the class will be used at the 'Space. I’m not sure what all the printer that’s built will support straight out of the class; but, since it will an open source printer, I imagine there will be a likelihood of future classes to expand on it’s capabilities here at the 'Space. :wink: :slight_smile:

It’s an all-metal hotend and we could modify to accept most filament if you want. But like Polyprinter I would like to test it with another hotend/extruder so we don’t mess with what works. I’m all for trying experimental filaments though. @Rick_Lowe we can discuss it If you get this filament I’ll try it out when I get my own printer working.


Looks like they will be ready in mid to late February. Sent me a price/product list if anyone is interested let me know and I will post it. Mitch once I get the spool will let you and Ed know.