So yesterday when I came in I saw that the condensate was overflowing into Machine Shop. I unclogged the drain to stop the leaking. @nicksilva & I put trash bags over the equipment. Providing that the ceiling stopped dripping, Would anyone care to clean it up? I would have last night but it still was dripping 2 hours after I cleared it(residual in the insulation).
The building is just preparing itself for woodshop.
Water got on the drill press table and a film of rust is showing up. Do we need to worry about cleaning/waxing it?
Bruce and I cleaned up what we could.
It was fun to turn on the drill press and have it spit water as it was spinning around. we don’t have any paste wax laying around but some wd-40 should help on the exposed surfaces. cheers!
I highly recommend Boelube. Just need a very thin film, almost like Rain-X. Creates a barrier.