@uglyknees teach me how to do this!!!
Whoa! That’s crazy awesome.
Hmmmmm India ink and water (in an beautifully crafted bowl might I add) and thinned inks??? Remincient of good old fashioned paper marbeling (which I’ve done but I’m not skilled at) That’s my guess. It’s not methocelulose (sp?) from what I can tell. Looks great. Love the process. My guess is if (or when) we try this it will start one way and quickly shift to “well it’s pretty colors no matter what”
This reminds me of paper marbling. Acrylic paint on thickened water is one way. Traditionally tragacanth or carrageenan are added to water to thicken it. There are lots of variations.
THAT’s pretty cool. Kind of a Van Gogh-Dr. Seuss-Dali hybrid cool.
That is my thought also We need to have a paper marbling class,
then one to do the same for fabric
Carrageenan! that’s what I was thinking of. I can tell you exactly what the container looks like.
(Classes) Have thought about it every now and then. Some logistical hurdles to be sure.