I was curious who added the new sign letting people know to only use water on the diamond sharpening stones. Was someone using oil on them or something? That’s for sure not to be used on them. Windex or water with a few drops of dawn on the other hand generally gets better results than just water, the windex is quick drying as well cutting down on the rust chance. Most anything that looks rusty on them anyway is left over swarf not the plate. I keep meaning to give them a cleaning but it always slips my mind. If whoever left the note knows something I dont though I’m glad to be wrong if it helps the tools
@Nate Hey, Nate - I’m the one that put the sign up…They felt awful gummy the last time I used them - and that bottle of mineral oil right next to them made me a little suspicious lol…in the past, we have had people put oil on them. Windex or a little soapy water is fine, like you say, but they do need rinsing afterwards; otherwise when the water evaporates, you are left with gummy additives. I put plain water just to discourage those who don’t know they need washing on a regular basis. I do go over this when I teach lathe basics.
I clean them with simple green and an old toothbrush - usually when I am up there and want to sharpen the carbide turning inserts…I do think it would be worth it to pour a little volatile thinner on there just to make sure there’s no residual oil (outside of course!)….didn’t have time last time.
Simple Green works well as a lube too
And we need a new coarse stone i think.
Got the three plates that sit on the board scrubbed and cleaned a bit this evening. No longer gummy as far as I can tell
I think what we really need is a “no oil” sign. Anything that evaporates completely should be fine.
for the diamond stones…
@carpa - you’re right, but it has to be “completely” - if someone pours undiluted simple green on them and doesn’t wash thoroughly afterwards…what’s also important is if you see someone using them with something that will gunk them up is to help (gently) educate her or him - I mean, who reads signs? Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a store and asked where the bathroom is, only to have a 10 foot sign with an arrow pointing the way right over my head…lol…
Why I taped the sign to the board with the stones on it last time I was up there, next person would have to at least touch the sign.