WARNING: The Following Link Contains Unmoderated, Real-Time “Maker Chatter”

The website posted on this thread is not affiliated with Dallas Makerspace.

It is merely a social experiment made by a Dallas Makerspace member, me.

The site is unmoderated and unfiltered. It is a real-time chat for makers to exchange information and ideas. It’s a place for education, entertainment, laughter and overall enjoyment while expanding the mind or possibly numbing it.

If, in the future, what happens as a result of this website’s lack of moderation offends you in any way and you would like to send me a complaint, please know that my official response to such is and always will be: suck it.

The purpose of this site is to have a place to gather and grow as a larger community as well as individual makers.

Be nice. Teach. Learn. Enjoy!


Note: Membership will soon be required to keep out the riff raff so be sure to save your username via the top right arrow. No email currently required.

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Yet another different communications vehicle thing of ambiguous purpose affiliated with DMS.


Only good things can come of this.

It also give me an idea for a novel: Maker Chatterly’s Lover.


You have a month: https://nanowrimo.org/


Yes to NaNoWriMo! Ah the joy to come!

@mblatz yes, good one!

@MathewBusby The first reply to the thread and he takes a big shit! ahh, thanks man!

btw, ambiguous maybe, but specifically stated not affiliated with DMS.

That makes it affiliated. If you were the public at large, it would not be affiliated.

You obviously don’t know the history I’m alluding to.

Good day…


It’s absolutely not affiliated with DMS.

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But quickly to become another venue for “official” communications!

In just going to JUMP IN and say HAPPY FRIDAY! :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


Not sanctioned by DMS, but certainly affiliated. I do believe the current status of Talk, Discord, Hangouts, and various email lists is also “not sanctioned.”

http://www.dictionary.com/browse/affiliated “being in close formal or informal association; related:”

It’s posted on Talk as a place specifically for makers to talk about anything they like – that’s related and informally associated.


Well considering the formal complaint process applies to Talk, it is hard to claim it isn’t sanctioned. It is certainly managed and regulated by DMS.

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I specifically stated in the original post the site was not affiliate with DMS. I was referring to the technical definition which means “officially connected” affiliated - Google Search

Being unaffiliated with DMS allows for the real purpose of the site which is to have a place where we could all come together and talk trash about @wandrson without having to worry about a complaint filed before the board. :rofl:

It doesn’t look like it’s going to be a venue for anything, as people don’t seem to want it. Or, they can’t figure out how to use it.


I thought I was using it, but it turned out I got it confused with Tinder and was posting there. My bad…


Yo. What up? Is this thing on?

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Errrrrr … I’m guessing wrong place bro … try here Yo!


Just keep swiping right!

Five-by-five, good buddy!

Chicks dig makers…