WANTED: Pictures of your lasered creations

Laser’s new chromecast now has 125 photos of your laser creations archived from months of Show and Tell threads…

…and we want more!

Do you have lasered items that no longer qualify for the current month’s Show and Tell?
Here’s how you can be part of the chromecast.

  • Upload pictures to the Laser Committee’s drive, N:\laser\PHOTOS_NEW_SUBMISSIONS.
  • Then message me so I know the photos are waiting.
  • (Optional) If you include details - your name, subject, materials, settings, sources, colors, fonts, etc - in your message, I will add them to the photo.

Please don’t talk yourself out of submitting a photo:

  • All levels of ability and complexity are inspiring.
  • We want to see how the laser can be used to enhance items made primarily with other techniques, too.
  • Works in progress reveal information that can’t be seen when assembled.

EDIT: If you have current items, post them + details in the current Show & Tell thread. I’ll capture the images from there, no problem. Our folder on the committee drive is terrific for older creations that never made it to a Show & Tell thread.

EDIT: Wondering what we already have? Check out https://photos.app.goo.gl/v45ii1g268IPe40G3


Stephenie, here you go. I plan on blowing this up to 2-3’ H x 2-3’ W to draw out more detail in the limbs.

Scott Blevins
.25” Birch Plywood
Min./Max. Power: 80
Speed: 40

Thingiverse Attribution: Mistercrunch (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:359145/#files)


Oh, and this one is 12” H x 12” W.

I have so many ideas - even production-ready ish designs. But so few things to actually show.

Maybe in a few weeks.


If you have current items and post them + details in the current Show & Tell thread, I’ll capture the images from there.
Our folder on the committee drive is terrific for older creations that never made it to a Show & Tell thread.
Will edit OP.

Now in the chromecast. Thank you.

Two in progress and then the final product after painting and attaching the accents

Being able to use the laser was definitely a vital part of that project :grin:


How can we see what’s already in there so we don’t submit something you already have?


Voila, Chris! Ask and ye shall receive… https://photos.app.goo.gl/v45ii1g268IPe40G3

A few photos from Show & Tell threads are not yet in there. I’ve archived them to add text when I have the free time.

@EthanWestern Added to the chromecast. Thank you for letting us archive the piece, Ethan. The work-in-progress photos are helpful.

@Scott_Blevins Thank you for the detailed information. Settings, material, size and source are useful. You’re the first maker to allow their name to be included with the photo.





