Working on trying to do my first print run but I cannot seem to locate kisslcer settings documentation anywhere - checked the wiki, training docs, printer setup instruction files, logged into the 3dfab-03 box and no joy.
Anyone have those handy and can we get them posted in a well and clearly marked find-able location on the wiki please?
ok - Kisslicer is not a separate download off the polyprinter download page - it comes bundled within the polyprinter windows 64 download and appears to have the needed settings within it.
The kisslicer download from the native kisslicer website is not configured. Unless you want to do a lot of configuration of it, don’t recommend using the native kisslicer download for anything.
The latest PolyPrinter version is ready to use, has slightly improved settings over the version at DMS, and has a slightly improved pathing algorithm over the version at DMS. As a bonus you can slice in the comfort of your own home.
If you are using the PolyPrinter version, File / Quick Restore Reference Settings is handy to get back to known-good settings.
Looks like KISSlicer on the JUMP drive is up-to-date.
I’ve been using it to prepare settings for the Rostock printer. The profiles available from the internet-at-large (including from the SeeMeCNC) are not quite right.
I think Max may soon update the 3d fab kisslicer software - I’m going to try to show for the 7/29 3d cleanup day and check back on that install. A print I’m running today ( Thanks Max for helping me with that ) is going slower than we think it should on printer 4.
Some notions -
I think signage in the 3D fab room should include a note that the design PCs in the common room have kisslicer loaded. - a footnote on this sign that a pre-configured kisslicer package is in the polyprinter download zip file available for free off the polyprinter website would be additionally awesome.
Another sign 3D might benefit from is a reminder to turn off the printer heaters when done printing with a picture of the octoprint screen showing what to click on.
I tried to download KISS from the PolyPrint website, but they only offered it for Windows, so I was able to download from, but the settings wizard defaults don’t seem right. So have the setting been documented somewhere.
Have you looked on the 3D fab wiki page? I know Max printed out a kisslicer manual - not sure if it got uploaded. If you don’t come across it, bring it up with Jason as a to do item either in a talk message, or by attending the next 3D fab committee meeting.
If not for windows OS - what OS were you looking for specifically? I’m not sure which OS platforms are supported.