W-9 for submitted class

I submitted a class on 9/11 at 1:11 on painting miniatures. When I submitted to form, it highlighted the w-9 as an error. I submitted a w-9 previously and it should be on file. Please let me know if it is not.

Problem may be that W-9 is in given my name Frank C. Elia. Class submitted as Capt Bones.



I will check with @AlexRhodes. I was going to do honorariums tomorrow morning, can you check on this W9?


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Also if you got an error the class may not have gone into the system at all. If you think it did, or wonder, a way to confirm is to log in then go look under Hosted, and your pending class should appear there even if not live on calendar yet. (Pending will be different color than previous, changes when it goes live)

The w9 or lack of it attached doesn’t keep the class from entering. It will just delay your check until it’s in. If you got an error, it might be something else happened too. I’d check your pending classes if you are expecting it to exist just in case it needs re-submitting

Cool sounding class btw

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thanks everyone. I put the w9 in the box by the copy machine probably 2 or so months ago (?).

I followed the sage advice given when my last class didn’t post. I typed it out then cut and pasted. Didn’t take long so hopefully went through.

I’ll check.

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Ok, I found that I have a W9 for Frank C Elia.

Makes it a pain to reconcile Usernames to Legal Names every week. But I will get it processed.

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yeah, sorry about that. Wasn’t thinking.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
