Voting Rights... Please don't wait until the last minute to request change in status!


We have 174 members currently able to vote, 170 of those are able to vote online. If you want to vote in person at the 4PM meeting next Sunday, please send an email asking for voting rights to [email protected] as soon as you can.

Please don’t wait until the last minute to request your voting rights, I would like to close out the voter rolls at noon before the voting starts at 4pm.


I registered real early for my voting rights, I check my regular
email several times a day, but my junk mail not real often

I have looked all the way back to April 1 in my email for the confirmation
and nothing. I have checked my junk mail but it gets deleted
after 2 wks,

What do I do?

We will send out a third eBlast tomorrow. You can try to whitelist [email protected] That is the address the voting invites come from.

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It may be worth checking what your email address is with WHCMS. Is it possible you used a different email with that system then you normally use?


What might be possible is if I had to type it, I could have
typed it wrong. darn eyes My confirmations from funky Finds
had that issue, I typed a f instead of a g, I try to double check

We’ve verified that Cairenn Day’s email address in the system is correct.

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We now have 183 members currently able to vote, 169 of those are able to vote online. If you want to vote in person at the 4PM meeting next Sunday, please send an email asking for voting rights to [email protected] as soon as you can.

Please don’t wait until the last minute to request your voting rights, I would like to close out the voter rolls at noon before the voting starts at 4pm.


I got the last email blast and it is now pinned until I use it!

thanks all


I’ve already voted online (easy process!) but a quick question…you mentioned some can vote online and some not…what’s the determining factor? Just curious.

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It’s based on whether they requested voting rights in time before the online portion.


The in person voting starts in less than 24 hours (Sunday at 4PM) so if you haven’t registered to vote, please do so before NOON on Sunday by sending an email to [email protected] asking for your voting rights.