Voting at Member Meetings

Generally, when is the submission deadline for official agenda items to get an official meeting?

Bylaws call for 10 days’ minimum notice for special meetings. The reality of mailings and pre-mailing logistics mean that we need far more lead time - something closer to 21 days - to reasonably guarantee that we place envelopes in member’s mailboxes a minimum of 10 days prior to the meeting.

I have a $500 discretionary budget for all things Governance. I plan to spend most of it in 2020 notifying the membership of the Board election once it is scheduled. I am not going to spend funds because someone drops an item on the agenda 22 days prior or wants to play pedant about the definition of member meeting.

If a member has some hot-button issue(s) they want to put on the agenda and commits, cash-on-the-barrellhead and genuine roll-up-their sleeves sweat equity to the funding and printing/envelope-stuffing extravaganza, respectively, I’ll consider allowing such a voter initiative provided they’re putting in work beforehand and have a credible proposal.


Why don’t we just get the voting membership to sign something that says they will be notified by email? That is really all we need to do email notifications.

Then we can just get proxyvote and let people vote online. I don’t want to argue about it, just a suggestion.


Start a new topic if we are going around and around about voting again.


It was all hashed out before. We just need to do it.

Something I’d like to do. It would reduce the cost and effort of notification.

It would not however move the needle much on what triggers notification of meetings:

  • There is very little business member meetings can conduct
  • There are no present efforts afloat I’m aware of to put business before the membership that aren’t targeted at the Annual Meeting