Volunteer Recognition Needs You! Meeting 7/22

The proposed Volunteer Recognition Comittee is up for creation at the upcoming BoD. I’m afraid with my recent travels a meeting may be a bit short notice but I put one up for right before the BoD meeting.

Can’t make it this time? No problem! Please leave a comment here so we can add you to our list of interested members on the temporary wiki page (or you can add yourself. Link is on the agenda item page) Now is also a great time to float ideas out on ways we can make our volunteers feel appreciated and seen with all they do for DMS. We know we cannot live without them.

The agenda item seemed to be a resounding YES from membership. Please help us document your support.

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Our first meeting will be held from 5:30 to 7:00 in the old CA room. If you have to be late because of traffic we still would love for you to come. If you have another comittee meeting at that time, please stop on by and give us a high five and declare your support :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’ll be there. Thanks for organizing the first meeting so we can have it completed before the BOD meeting.

Have you posted it as an event on the scheduler system? If not, you should. :grin:

I did, it will just take a bit to actually show up.

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Let me know the date. I am game.


I thought this would be the same day as the BOD meeting, I didn’t realize it was tonight, I won’t be able to attend tonight.

I am going to show up just in case anyone comes but had the BoD on the wrong part if my calendar. If you can do a second one that would be awesome

I was sick. Was out harvesting trees all day Sunday. Not really sick but plum wore out.

Not to rain on anyone’s parade, but this doesn’t address a bigger problem - Burnout
Get your name on a plaque on the wall, a firm handshake/pat on the back at some gathering, some trinket/certificate to take home, etc, etc, etc. All well and good, but it doesn’t address the problem.

As Expansion moves forward, there are signs of burnout taking place.
As the bureaucratic overhead on how things get done increases, expect more burnout.

Flame away folks…

Trust me, we’ve heard loud and clear that the vocal minority thinks recognizing our volunteers is not worth any official effort. We won’t be moving forward with this effort, we will work on our own and try to have a positive impact.

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I think the ‘flip-side’ of the Member Recognition Group being proposed is the need for a ‘Member Engagement’ Group.

The adage “many hands make for light work” certainly applies at DMS, and when too few stalwart members are tasked too often to carry out critical tasks (be they keeping the lights on stuff, or expansion work) then yes, burn-out can and will occur.

I would hope that both sides of this ‘membership involvement’ coin are considered by any newly proposed membership group.