Volunteer opportunity: Dispose of pallet of paint

(I thought there was a volunteer opportunities category but I couldn’t see it)

It would be nice if we could dispose of this pallet of ~80 gallons of various paints and finishes instead of storing it forever at DMS. Anyone want to volunteer to make this happen?

Some possible options:
Find a service to pay lots of money to and have them take it all at once
Use hardener to dry out all the non oil paints
Have members dispose of parts piecemeal using home disposal service or big box store


There is. IIRC only chairs/vice-chairs can create the topics/initial post.

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I will load a few in my car this afternoon and dispose of them with our trash pick up tomorrow.


Anything that is already dried up can be disposed of in the normal dumpster. It might be worth checking.

Thank you! They are in the new warehouse area on a pallet along the north wall

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Not sure which paint cans you need tossed. There are full cans amongst empties and not along the wall at all. Is this still a need? If so a little labeling would help so volunteers can assist. I did grab six empties and can take more if needed…guidance would be helpful.

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The pallet got moved to the middleish area of the warehouse, all the paint cans on the pallet can be disposed of regardless of age or amount remaining in can

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Ok, seems a waste to toss full/new cans but I’ll load my car up again tomorrow.

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Thank you for taking some cans

If you can find walls in the space that match the colors in the full cans, we can hold on to a gallon of that color for touch ups, but otherwise it is likely leftovers from member projects.

Please mark any you might see as touch up paint.

We create a LOT of sawdust at the Makerspace. Can we use it to combine with the paint to make it disposable in the dumpster?I think the method is to use sawdust to “Dry Out” the paint and then it can be disposed of in common trash.

Negative, this is not an appropriate way to dispose of paint.

Really? Bob Villa suggests it. Still I am no expert. It does however make sense.

Well, for latex it might be ok. Oil based is always a hazardous chemical.

I would be surprised if logistics or infra would be willing to allow this method of disposal.

I could very well be mistaken.

You are probably right. Too bad… seems like a perfect solution since we just throw sawdust away… I wounder if there is a better way to dispose of sawdust… I think they used to use it in bars… been awhile since I’ve been out drinking… (I’m too cheap)

I suspect that most of what is on that pallet is, indeed, latex paint.

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You might scrounge around for someplace to give it to. I’m not sure that Habitat for Humanity takes such things – the one on Forest Lane didn’t want light bulbs, for instance.

For that matter, given that the paint is ALREADY in the Space, and we’re ALREADY having to dispose of it – we might set it on the Freebie Shelf, and see if interested makers (who clearly are not reading all of Talk) make it vanish.

I’m unsure if I can get out to the space to pick up paint before the weekend but I will try.

Not sure how many other Lewisville residents we have at dms but hazardous waste dropoff is this weekend if anyone is available.

Anything to dry out the paint is perfectly ok - at that point they can be placed in the dumpster. Sawdust trick works well.

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you might check with @TBJK to dispose of some. We fought a HAAS coolant leak last weekend and we are all out of cat litter. It would be good to have a little of this around. cheers!

I disposed of ~20 years worth of accumulated used paint (between myself and former homeowners), several dozen alarm system batteries, and >10 gallons of what was once gasoline at said dropoff with only casual questioning from the Rotarians doing the work and cheerful return of the gas cans.

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