Volunteer Coordinator Position Filled

Patrick @patrickpleez1 has accepted the role of the Volunteer Coordinator Position. We discussed in detail last week the responsibilities of this role. Patrick will be working with me to help solicit volunteer opportunities. If a volunteer opportunity becomes available and you do not have the skillset but interested in learning? We will get together necessary parties to help teach you.

The goal is that all volunteer opportunities are posted on-site at DMS as well as being solicited through Talk.

Patrick will also be coordinating those interested in being Tour Guides. We are working on putting together training documentation so that if for any reason you’ve been hesitant, we can help train you to be a tour guide too and so you can learn more about DMS.

Thank you Patrick for stepping up to this role and please welcome him aboard!


I’m happy to lend a hand. DMS and it’s inner workings are close to me. I want the machine to run as smoothly as possible. I am happy to be a small cog in this machine that takes many people to run efficiently and smoothly!


Patrick you are a big important cog in this machine. Small is not one of the words I would use to describe you :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for stepping up.


Agree with @Kevin. You were the first to get me into teaching at the space…ooh, that might be held against you. Any, Congrats!