Have y’all seen this new programing interface for Arduino
It looks like a good entry level solution
Have y’all seen this new programing interface for Arduino
It looks like a good entry level solution
Cool. Looks straightforward.
But I still like labview better…lol…
I played with it and it seems promising, but actually more difficult than just writing the code.
I could write that code in 5 lines, and it generates more than 100 lines for the example program.
I am confused as to how to use it. Have you had success @Beard_n_brain?
I am trying to download labview now and give that a shot
I have not been able to dig into it much. I am really green when it comes to programing so it seems promising to start out.
It seems a lot harder to me. Even new to programming, I honestly think programming is easier than that.
Esp since it doesn’t seem to allow any control functions- if x then y.
For x in 1:10, Do while, etc.
So you are limited to very basic functions. Check a value and do something with it.
@semaphore1999- I just downloaded Labviewm, and I haven’t had a chance to try it. But you think its better than say Atmel studio? Does it let you do visual stuff.
I used Labview in college but I remember it was complicated and thats it. hah
It generates all of the following to blink an LED. Seems as inefficient as all other visual programming system
// The sketch is auto-generated with XOD (https://xod.io).
// You can compile and upload it to an Arduino-compatible board with
// Arduino IDE.
// Rough code overview:
// - Intrusive pointer (a smart pointer with ref counter)
// - Immutable dynamic list data structure
// - XOD runtime environment
// - Native node implementation
// - Program graph definition
// Search for comments fenced with '====' and '----' to navigate through
// the major code blocks.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
// ============================================================================
// Intrusive pointer
// ============================================================================
// This is a stripped down version of Boost v1.63 intrusive pointer.
// Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Peter Dimov
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// See http://www.boost.org/libs/smart_ptr/intrusive_ptr.html for
// documentation.
namespace boost {
// intrusive_ptr
// A smart pointer that uses intrusive reference counting.
// Relies on unqualified calls to
// void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(T * p);
// void intrusive_ptr_release(T * p);
// (p != 0)
// The object is responsible for destroying itself.
template <class T> class intrusive_ptr {
typedef intrusive_ptr this_type;
typedef T element_type;
constexpr intrusive_ptr() : px(0) {}
intrusive_ptr(T *p, bool add_ref = true) : px(p) {
if (px != 0 && add_ref)
template <class U>
intrusive_ptr(intrusive_ptr<U> const &rhs) : px(rhs.get()) {
if (px != 0)
intrusive_ptr(intrusive_ptr const &rhs) : px(rhs.px) {
if (px != 0)
~intrusive_ptr() {
if (px != 0)
template <class U> intrusive_ptr &operator=(intrusive_ptr<U> const &rhs) {
return *this;
intrusive_ptr(intrusive_ptr &&rhs) : px(rhs.px) { rhs.px = 0; }
intrusive_ptr &operator=(intrusive_ptr &&rhs) {
this_type(static_cast<intrusive_ptr &&>(rhs)).swap(*this);
return *this;
template <class U> friend class intrusive_ptr;
template <class U> intrusive_ptr(intrusive_ptr<U> &&rhs) : px(rhs.px) {
rhs.px = 0;
template <class U> intrusive_ptr &operator=(intrusive_ptr<U> &&rhs) {
this_type(static_cast<intrusive_ptr<U> &&>(rhs)).swap(*this);
return *this;
intrusive_ptr &operator=(intrusive_ptr const &rhs) {
return *this;
intrusive_ptr &operator=(T *rhs) {
return *this;
void reset() { this_type().swap(*this); }
void reset(T *rhs) { this_type(rhs).swap(*this); }
void reset(T *rhs, bool add_ref) { this_type(rhs, add_ref).swap(*this); }
T *get() const { return px; }
T *detach() {
T *ret = px;
px = 0;
return ret;
T &operator*() const { return *px; }
T *operator->() const { return px; }
operator bool() const { return px != 0; }
void swap(intrusive_ptr &rhs) {
T *tmp = px;
px = rhs.px;
rhs.px = tmp;
T *px;
template <class T, class U>
inline bool operator==(intrusive_ptr<T> const &a, intrusive_ptr<U> const &b) {
return a.get() == b.get();
template <class T, class U>
inline bool operator!=(intrusive_ptr<T> const &a, intrusive_ptr<U> const &b) {
return a.get() != b.get();
template <class T, class U>
inline bool operator==(intrusive_ptr<T> const &a, U *b) {
return a.get() == b;
template <class T, class U>
inline bool operator!=(intrusive_ptr<T> const &a, U *b) {
return a.get() != b;
template <class T, class U>
inline bool operator==(T *a, intrusive_ptr<U> const &b) {
return a == b.get();
template <class T, class U>
inline bool operator!=(T *a, intrusive_ptr<U> const &b) {
return a != b.get();
#if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 96
// Resolve the ambiguity between our op!= and the one in rel_ops
template <class T>
inline bool operator!=(intrusive_ptr<T> const &a, intrusive_ptr<T> const &b) {
return a.get() != b.get();
template <class T>
inline bool operator==(intrusive_ptr<T> const &p, nullptr_t) {
return p.get() == 0;
template <class T>
inline bool operator==(nullptr_t, intrusive_ptr<T> const &p) {
return p.get() == 0;
template <class T>
inline bool operator!=(intrusive_ptr<T> const &p, nullptr_t) {
return p.get() != 0;
template <class T>
inline bool operator!=(nullptr_t, intrusive_ptr<T> const &p) {
return p.get() != 0;
template <class T>
inline bool operator<(intrusive_ptr<T> const &a, intrusive_ptr<T> const &b) {
return a.get() < b.get();
template <class T> void swap(intrusive_ptr<T> &lhs, intrusive_ptr<T> &rhs) {
} // namespace boost
#endif // #ifndef XOD_INTRUSIVE_PTR_H
// ============================================================================
// Immutable dynamic list
// ============================================================================
#ifndef XOD_LIST_H
#define XOD_LIST_H
namespace xod {
// forward declaration
template <typename T> class List;
namespace xod {
namespace detail {
typedef uint8_t index_t;
typedef size_t index_t;
typedef uint8_t refcount_t;
typedef uint8_t depth_t;
* Bounds define a used range of data within Chunk’s ring buffer. `first` is
* an index (not byte offset) of the first element in range. `last` is an
* index (not byte offset) of the last filled element. I.e. `last` points to
* an existing element, *not* a slot past end.
* Value of `first` can be greater than `last`. It means that the range is
* wrapped arround buffer’s origin.
* Examples:
* - `first == 0 && last == 0`: chunk have 1 element and it is at buffer[0]
* - `first == 0 && last == 15`: chunk have 16 elements spanning from buffer[0]
* to buffer[15] inclusive
* - `first == 14 && last == 2`: given the chunk size == 16 it has 5 elements:
* buffer[14], buffer[15], buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2].
struct Bounds {
index_t first : 4;
index_t last : 4;
index_t first;
index_t last;
template <typename T> struct Traits {
enum { N = XOD_LIST_CHUNK_SIZE / sizeof(T) };
* Ring buffer
struct Chunk {
char buffer[XOD_LIST_CHUNK_SIZE];
Bounds bounds;
refcount_t _refcount;
Chunk() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(Chunk)); }
* Returns number of elements occupied
template <typename T> index_t usage() {
return (bounds.last - bounds.first + Traits<T>::N) % Traits<T>::N + 1;
template <typename T> bool isFull() { return usage<T>() == Traits<T>::N; }
template <typename T> bool append(T val) {
if (isFull<T>())
return false;
return true;
template <typename T> void appendUnsafe(T val) {
auto idx = ++bounds.last;
*((T *)buffer + idx) = val;
template <typename T> bool concat(T *val, index_t len) {
if (usage<T>() > Traits<T>::N - len)
return false;
while (len--)
return true;
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(Chunk *chunk) {
// TODO: deal with possible overflow
void intrusive_ptr_release(Chunk *chunk) {
if (--chunk->_refcount == 0) {
delete chunk;
template <typename T> class ListIterator {
typedef List<T> ListT;
typedef const ListT *ListRawPtr;
ListIterator(ListRawPtr root) {
_stackSize = 0;
if (root->isEmpty()) {
_stack = 0;
} else {
_stack = new ListRawPtr[root->maxDepth()];
~ListIterator() {
if (_stack)
delete[] _stack;
* Returns false if iteration is done
operator bool() const { return _stackSize > 0; }
const T &operator*() const { return chunk()->buffer[_indexInChunk]; }
ListIterator &operator++() {
if (!_stackSize)
return *this;
if (_indexInChunk > top()->_rightBounds.last) {
// we’ve runned over whole chunk, move to next one
while (true) {
auto branch = pop();
if (!_stackSize)
auto parent = top();
if (parent->_left == branch) {
// switch to right branch if we just completed with left one
return *this;
ListRawPtr top() const { return _stack[_stackSize - 1]; }
void push(ListRawPtr list) { _stack[_stackSize++] = list; }
ListRawPtr pop() { return _stack[_stackSize-- - 1]; }
void drillDownToLeftmost() {
ListRawPtr left;
while ((left = top()->_left.get()))
_indexInChunk = top()->_rightBounds.first;
Chunk *chunk() const { return top()->_chunk.get(); }
ListRawPtr *_stack;
depth_t _stackSize;
index_t _indexInChunk;
} // namespace xod::detail
namespace xod {
template <typename T> void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(List<T> *list) {
// TODO: deal with possible overflow
template <typename T> void intrusive_ptr_release(List<T> *list) {
if (--list->_refcount == 0) {
delete list;
template <typename T> class List {
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<detail::Chunk> ChunkPtr;
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<List> ListPtr;
typedef detail::ListIterator<T> Iterator;
static ListPtr empty() { return ListPtr(new List()); }
static ListPtr of(T val) {
auto list = empty();
auto chunk = new detail::Chunk();
chunk->buffer[0] = val;
list->_chunk = chunk;
return list;
static ListPtr fromPlainArray(const T *buf, size_t len) {
auto list = empty();
if (!len)
return list;
if (len <= detail::Traits<T>::N) {
// whole buf can be contained within a single chunk
auto chunk = new detail::Chunk();
memcpy(chunk->buffer, buf, len);
list->_chunk = chunk;
list->_rightBounds.last = chunk->bounds.last = len - 1;
} else {
// split the buffer into two portions
auto leftLen = len / 2;
list->_left = fromPlainArray(buf, leftLen);
list->_right = fromPlainArray(buf + leftLen, len - leftLen);
return list;
bool isEmpty() const { return length() == 0; }
size_t length() const {
if (_left == nullptr && _right == nullptr) {
return 0;
} else if (chunk()) {
return _rightBounds.last - _rightBounds.first + 1;
} else {
return _left->length() + _right->length();
size_t chunkCount() const {
if (_left) {
return _left->chunkCount() + _right->chunkCount();
} else if (_chunk) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
detail::depth_t maxDepth() const {
if (_left) {
auto leftDepth = _left->maxDepth();
auto rightDepth = _right->maxDepth();
return 1 + (leftDepth > rightDepth ? leftDepth : rightDepth);
} else {
return 1;
ListPtr append(T val) const {
if (length() == 0) {
return of(val);
auto chunk = this->chunk();
if (chunk && isChunkTailFree()) {
bool amend = chunk->append(val);
if (amend) {
auto list = empty();
list->_chunk = chunk;
list->_rightBounds.last = _rightBounds.last + 1;
return list;
auto list = empty();
list->_left = const_cast<List *>(this);
list->_right = of(val);
return list;
ListPtr concat(ListPtr other) const {
if (isEmpty()) {
return other;
if (other->isEmpty()) {
return ListPtr(const_cast<List *>(this));
auto thisChunk = this->chunk();
auto otherChunk = other->chunk();
auto otherLen = other->length();
if (thisChunk && isChunkTailFree() && otherChunk) {
bool amend = thisChunk->concat(otherChunk->buffer, otherLen);
if (amend) {
auto list = empty();
list->_chunk = thisChunk;
list->_rightBounds.first = _rightBounds.first;
list->_rightBounds.last = thisChunk->bounds.last;
return list;
auto list = empty();
list->_left = const_cast<List *>(this);
list->_right = other;
return list;
void toPlainArrayUnsafe(T *buf) const {
auto chunk = this->chunk();
if (chunk) {
memcpy(buf, chunk->buffer, length() * sizeof(T));
} else if (_left) {
_right->toPlainArrayUnsafe(buf + _left->length());
Iterator iterate() const { return Iterator(this); }
ChunkPtr chunk() const {
if (_left == nullptr) {
return _chunk;
} else {
return nullptr;
bool isChunkTailFree() const {
return _chunk->bounds.last == _rightBounds.last;
List() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(List)); }
~List() {
// _right branch is in union with _chunk. Call a proper destructor
// explicitly
if (_left) {
} else {
friend Iterator;
// There are two possible conditions of a list. It either:
// - concatenation of two children, in that case `_left` and `_right` point
// to branches
// - a leaf with data, in that case `_left == nullptr` and `_chunk` contains
// pointer to the data
// Use union to save one pointer size, consider `_left` nullness to
// understand the condition.
ListPtr _left;
union {
ListPtr _right;
ChunkPtr _chunk;
// Branch bounds inside chunks. In case if this is a leaf, only _rightBounds
// is used.
// Note that the bounds will not match bounds in chunks themselves. It’s
// because the chunks are reused across many List’s.
detail::Bounds _leftBounds;
detail::Bounds _rightBounds;
friend void intrusive_ptr_add_ref<T>(List *list);
friend void intrusive_ptr_release<T>(List *list);
detail::refcount_t _refcount;
}; // class List<T>
} // namespace xod
#endif // #ifndef XOD_LIST_H
* Configuration
#define NODE_COUNT 5
// Uncomment to trace the program in the Serial Monitor
//#define XOD_DEBUG
* Runtime
// Debug routines
# define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial
#ifdef XOD_DEBUG
# define XOD_TRACE(x) { DEBUG_SERIAL.print(x); DEBUG_SERIAL.flush(); }
# define XOD_TRACE_LN(x) { DEBUG_SERIAL.println(x); DEBUG_SERIAL.flush(); }
# define XOD_TRACE_F(x) XOD_TRACE(F(x))
# define XOD_TRACE_FLN(x) XOD_TRACE_LN(F(x))
# define XOD_TRACE(x)
# define XOD_TRACE_LN(x)
# define XOD_TRACE_F(x)
# define XOD_TRACE_FLN(x)
// Type definitions
#define NO_NODE ((NodeId)-1)
namespace xod {
typedef double Number;
typedef bool Logic;
// TODO: optimize, we should choose uint8_t if there are less than 255 nodes in total
// and uint32_t if there are more than 65535
typedef uint16_t NodeId;
typedef NodeId Context;
* PinKey is an address value used to find input’s or output’s data within
* node’s Storage.
* For inputs its value is simply an offset in bytes from the beginning of
* Storage structure instance. There will be a PinRef pointing to an upstream
* output at this address.
* For outputs the pin key consists of two parts ORed bitwise. Least
* significant bits (count defined by `PIN_KEY_OFFSET_BITS`) define an offset
* from the beginning of node’s Storage where output data could be found. It
* would be an OutputPin structure. Most significant bits define an index
* number of that output among all outputs of the node. The index is used to
* work with dirty flags bit-value.
// TODO: optimize, we should choose a proper type with a minimal enough capacity
typedef uint16_t PinKey;
// TODO: optimize, we should choose a proper type with a minimal enough capacity
typedef uint16_t DirtyFlags;
typedef unsigned long TimeMs;
typedef void (*EvalFuncPtr)(NodeId nid, void* state);
typedef xod::List<char>::ListPtr XString;
// Engine
namespace xod {
extern void* storages[NODE_COUNT];
extern EvalFuncPtr evaluationFuncs[NODE_COUNT];
extern DirtyFlags dirtyFlags[NODE_COUNT];
extern NodeId topology[NODE_COUNT];
// TODO: replace with a compact list
extern TimeMs schedule[NODE_COUNT];
template<typename T>
struct OutputPin {
T value;
// Keep outgoing link list with terminating `NO_NODE`
NodeId* links;
struct PinRef {
NodeId nodeId;
PinKey pinKey;
* Input descriptor is a metaprogramming structure used to enforce an
* input’s type and store its PinKey as a zero-memory constant.
* A specialized descriptor is required by `getValue` function. Every
* input of every type node gets its own descriptor in generated code that
* can be accessed as input_FOO. Where FOO is a pin identifier.
template<typename ValueT_, size_t offsetInStorage>
struct InputDescriptor {
typedef ValueT_ ValueT;
enum Offset : PinKey {
KEY = offsetInStorage
* Output descriptor serve the same purpose as InputDescriptor but for
* ouputs.
template<typename ValueT_, size_t offsetInStorage, int index>
struct OutputDescriptor {
typedef ValueT_ ValueT;
enum Offset : PinKey {
KEY = offsetInStorage | (index << PIN_KEY_OFFSET_BITS)
void* pinPtr(void* storage, PinKey key) {
const size_t offset = key & ~(PinKey(-1) << PIN_KEY_OFFSET_BITS);
return (uint8_t*)storage + offset;
DirtyFlags dirtyPinBit(PinKey key) {
const PinKey nbit = (key >> PIN_KEY_OFFSET_BITS) + 1;
return 1 << nbit;
bool isOutputDirty(NodeId nid, PinKey key) {
return dirtyFlags[nid] & dirtyPinBit(key);
bool isInputDirtyImpl(NodeId nid, PinKey key) {
PinRef* ref = (PinRef*)pinPtr(storages[nid], key);
if (ref->nodeId == NO_NODE)
return false;
return isOutputDirty(ref->nodeId, ref->pinKey);
template<typename InputT>
bool isInputDirty(NodeId nid) {
return isInputDirtyImpl(nid, InputT::KEY);
void markPinDirty(NodeId nid, PinKey key) {
dirtyFlags[nid] |= dirtyPinBit(key);
void markNodeDirty(NodeId nid) {
dirtyFlags[nid] |= 0x1;
bool isNodeDirty(NodeId nid) {
return dirtyFlags[nid] & 0x1;
TimeMs transactionTime() {
return millis();
void setTimeout(NodeId nid, TimeMs timeout) {
schedule[nid] = transactionTime() + timeout;
void clearTimeout(NodeId nid) {
schedule[nid] = 0;
template<typename T>
T getValueImpl(NodeId nid, PinKey key) {
PinRef* ref = (PinRef*)pinPtr(storages[nid], key);
if (ref->nodeId == NO_NODE)
return (T)0;
return *(T*)pinPtr(storages[ref->nodeId], ref->pinKey);
template<typename InputT>
typename InputT::ValueT getValue(NodeId nid) {
return getValueImpl<typename InputT::ValueT>(nid, InputT::KEY);
template<typename T>
void emitValueImpl(NodeId nid, PinKey key, T value) {
OutputPin<T>* outputPin = (OutputPin<T>*)pinPtr(storages[nid], key);
outputPin->value = value;
markPinDirty(nid, key);
NodeId* linkedNode = outputPin->links;
while (*linkedNode != NO_NODE) {
template<typename OutputT>
void emitValue(NodeId nid, typename OutputT::ValueT value) {
emitValueImpl(nid, OutputT::KEY, value);
template<typename T>
void reemitValueImpl(NodeId nid, PinKey key) {
OutputPin<T>* outputPin = (OutputPin<T>*)pinPtr(storages[nid], key);
emitValueImpl<T>(nid, key, outputPin->value);
template<typename OutputT>
void reemitValue(NodeId nid) {
reemitValueImpl<typename OutputT::ValueT>(nid, OutputT::KEY);
void evaluateNode(NodeId nid) {
XOD_TRACE_F("eval #");
EvalFuncPtr eval = evaluationFuncs[nid];
eval(nid, storages[nid]);
void runTransaction() {
XOD_TRACE_F("Transaction started, t=");
for (NodeId nid : topology) {
if (isNodeDirty(nid))
memset(dirtyFlags, 0, sizeof(dirtyFlags));
XOD_TRACE_F("Transaction completed, t=");
void idle() {
TimeMs now = millis();
for (NodeId nid = 0; nid < NODE_COUNT; ++nid) {
TimeMs t = schedule[nid];
if (t && t <= now) {
// Entry point
void setup() {
// FIXME: looks like there is a rounding bug. Waiting for 1 second fights it
#ifdef XOD_DEBUG
XOD_TRACE_FLN("Program started");
void loop() {
* Native node implementations
namespace xod {
// xod/core/clock implementation
namespace xod__core__clock {
struct State {
TimeMs nextTrig;
struct Storage {
State state;
PinRef input_IVAL;
PinRef input_RST;
OutputPin<Logic> output_TICK;
State* getState(NodeId nid) {
return reinterpret_cast<State*>(storages[nid]);
using input_IVAL = InputDescriptor<Number, offsetof(Storage, input_IVAL)>;
using input_RST = InputDescriptor<Logic, offsetof(Storage, input_RST)>;
using output_TICK = OutputDescriptor<Logic, offsetof(Storage, output_TICK), 0>;
void evaluate(Context ctx) {
State* state = getState(ctx);
TimeMs tNow = transactionTime();
TimeMs dt = getValue<input_IVAL>(ctx) * 1000;
TimeMs tNext = tNow + dt;
if (isInputDirty<input_RST>(ctx)) {
if (dt == 0) {
state->nextTrig = 0;
} else if (state->nextTrig < tNow || state->nextTrig > tNext) {
state->nextTrig = tNext;
setTimeout(ctx, dt);
} else {
// It was a scheduled tick
emitValue<output_TICK>(ctx, 1);
state->nextTrig = tNext;
setTimeout(ctx, dt);
} // namespace xod__core__clock
// xod/core/digital_output implementation
namespace xod__core__digital_output {
struct State {
int configuredPort = -1;
struct Storage {
State state;
PinRef input_PORT;
PinRef input_SIG;
State* getState(NodeId nid) {
return reinterpret_cast<State*>(storages[nid]);
using input_PORT = InputDescriptor<Number, offsetof(Storage, input_PORT)>;
using input_SIG = InputDescriptor<Logic, offsetof(Storage, input_SIG)>;
void evaluate(Context ctx) {
State* state = getState(ctx);
const int port = (int)getValue<input_PORT>(ctx);
if (port != state->configuredPort) {
::pinMode(port, OUTPUT);
// Store configured port so to avoid repeating `pinMode` call if just
// SIG is updated
state->configuredPort = port;
const bool val = getValue<input_SIG>(ctx);
::digitalWrite(port, val);
} // namespace xod__core__digital_output
// xod/core/flip_flop implementation
namespace xod__core__flip_flop {
struct State {
bool state = false;
struct Storage {
State state;
PinRef input_SET;
PinRef input_TGL;
PinRef input_RST;
OutputPin<Logic> output_MEM;
State* getState(NodeId nid) {
return reinterpret_cast<State*>(storages[nid]);
using input_SET = InputDescriptor<Logic, offsetof(Storage, input_SET)>;
using input_TGL = InputDescriptor<Logic, offsetof(Storage, input_TGL)>;
using input_RST = InputDescriptor<Logic, offsetof(Storage, input_RST)>;
using output_MEM = OutputDescriptor<Logic, offsetof(Storage, output_MEM), 0>;
void evaluate(Context ctx) {
State* state = getState(ctx);
bool newState = state->state;
if (isInputDirty<input_TGL>(ctx)) {
newState = !state->state;
} else if (isInputDirty<input_SET>(ctx)) {
newState = true;
} else {
newState = false;
if (newState == state->state)
state->state = newState;
emitValue<output_MEM>(ctx, newState);
} // namespace xod__core__flip_flop
// xod/core/constant_number implementation
namespace xod__core__constant_number {
struct State {};
struct Storage {
State state;
OutputPin<Number> output_VAL;
State* getState(NodeId nid) {
return reinterpret_cast<State*>(storages[nid]);
using output_VAL = OutputDescriptor<Number, offsetof(Storage, output_VAL), 0>;
void evaluate(Context ctx) {
} // namespace xod__core__constant_number
} // namespace xod
* Program graph
namespace xod {
NodeId links_0_TICK[] = { 2, NO_NODE };
xod__core__clock::Storage storage_0 = {
{ }, // state
{ NodeId(3), xod__core__constant_number::output_VAL::KEY }, // input_IVAL
{ NO_NODE, 0 }, // input_RST
{ false, links_0_TICK } // output_TICK
xod__core__digital_output::Storage storage_1 = {
{ }, // state
{ NodeId(4), xod__core__constant_number::output_VAL::KEY }, // input_PORT
{ NodeId(2), xod__core__flip_flop::output_MEM::KEY }, // input_SIG
NodeId links_2_MEM[] = { 1, NO_NODE };
xod__core__flip_flop::Storage storage_2 = {
{ }, // state
{ NO_NODE, 0 }, // input_SET
{ NodeId(0), xod__core__clock::output_TICK::KEY }, // input_TGL
{ NO_NODE, 0 }, // input_RST
{ false, links_2_MEM } // output_MEM
NodeId links_3_VAL[] = { 0, NO_NODE };
xod__core__constant_number::Storage storage_3 = {
{ }, // state
{ 0.25, links_3_VAL } // output_VAL
NodeId links_4_VAL[] = { 1, NO_NODE };
xod__core__constant_number::Storage storage_4 = {
{ }, // state
{ 13, links_4_VAL } // output_VAL
void* storages[NODE_COUNT] = {
EvalFuncPtr evaluationFuncs[NODE_COUNT] = {
DirtyFlags dirtyFlags[NODE_COUNT] = {
NodeId topology[NODE_COUNT] = {
3, 4, 0, 2, 1
TimeMs schedule[NODE_COUNT] = { 0 };
Wow. That is crazy. It looks like there is some additional stuff built in, debugging and such. For those unfamiliar,
here is how simple it is to write yourself:
void setup() {
pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); //or pin 13 on many boards
void loop() {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
I wonder if that verbosity has an efficiency hit on the 15Mhz arduino processor, or if it comes out in compilation.
That said, can you send me a sample labview file so I can see how to get started? Do you find it easier for the more complex stuff?
@Andrew_Timmons. If your asking me, instead of @semaphore1999 no,I don’t have any Labview laying around, but the Electronics computer has it installed and there are a number of examples there.
IMO, Labview is a great tool for creating UI and control code for industrial and lab tools. It isn’t a good choice for programming microcontrollers or for general purpose programming.
All that just to blink a LED!?
Good grief - definitely not a good way to teach.
Don’t want to hear anybody call my code “ugly” after seeing this.
@wandrson I think that is a good way to put it. I downloaded it (LabVIEW) but I probably won’t pursue learning it unless I need an interface in the future.
Apparently there are several visual programming things for arduino. But I’ve been trying to learn non-linear programming, not the silly single void loop that is default in the Arduino IDE.
I came across this though- http://state-machine.com/arduino/
And while its not as pretty, it looks impressive and maybe pretty powerful. I haven’t used it, but the video on the page impressed me.