I have some retroreflective vinyl that I would like to cut using the vinyl cutter. Other than possibly dulling the blade I cannot find any other caveats.
I have questions…
Can I try it? (Bear in mind that if anything bad happens I will do whatever is necessary to get the vinyl cutter back in business.)
I have read that a 60 degree blade should be used. Do we have such a blade?
I’ve cut reflective on a different machine in the past. My recollection is that it takes a considerably higher force setting, but actually worked quite well.
I doubt that we have any 60° blades. I skimmed through a couple of articles, and that definitely seems to be the recommended angle. Blades are relatively inexpensive. It might be best to buy a couple 60° blades to avoid wasting time and vinyl due to the incorrect blades. I’d go through eBay or Amazon, since they tend to get good ratings at a better price.
Have you looked into Clean Cut blades? I have been using a 60° blade from him for a couple years now on (90%) Oracal 651 and can swear by the quality and durability.
They are not correctly labeled. The 60° blades do not have blue covers. Carefully eyeball the blade before installing.
Changing the blade was fairly easy. (Check the user’s guide.)
There is a TEST button on the printer. The printer cuts a triangle surrounded by a rectangle. Using that made adjusting the pressure / speed go quickly.
Most of the material worked very well. One material was simply too thick. However, the blade did score it nicely making it easy to cut with scissors.
The blade that was in the machine when I arrived appeared to have the very tip of the blade chipped off so I put a brand new 45° blade in the machine. If the new blade does not work well I’m the one to blame.
Thanks for the feedback, hints & tips, and leaving the machine better than you found it by putting a new 45° blade in it to replace the damaged one that you found in it. I’m glad to hear that overall cutting the material was a success!
Example with flash and with a flashlight.
Backstory is I grew up in Iowa and we had to tell jokes for Halloween so I make the kids tell jokes and I have a little plastic jack-o-lantern with emergency jokes if they come unprepared. Makes Halloween a whole lot of fun. I’m going to put the signs either in our front yard or on a stop sign at the end of our street.