Vintage program languages article in Circuit Cellar


I’ve never written any COBOL, Prolog, or Ada.

As for the rest: ahh, fond memories.

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I was ‘something I can’t verbalize’ when I read that 'C" is a ‘vintage’ programming language…

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Vintage just means well aged. Doesn’t mean you aren’t still enjoying it. :slight_smile:

Kids these days will invent new ways to do the same things we did as kids. Nothing much new under the sun.


Basic, fortran, and C are the only ones listed I’ve been paid to use. Add Perl and assorted shell scripting, and you have all that I’ve been paid for. I think COBOL is likey the only one on the list I haven’t written a program or two in. Heck, I once wrote a program in PostScript to generate a fractal that ran in the printer for nearly an hour before printing one page.