Video white board?

Can anyone recommend good video white board “software” for technical collaboration? Also, is it safe to assume that all the parties that are collaborating need to be using the same white board software?

I used Miro a while back. It’s decent enough depending on how many people you need to edit it. Outside of GoTo Meeting and WebEx I don’t have experience with others.

Depending on requirements you haven’t specced, you could use Google whatever (in this case Slides?) where everyone involved has edit rights. This seems doable for occasional, small groups for nonprofessional (e.g. non-high-tech drawing) type blue-skying, if that’s what you are doing. Also assumes everyone involved has a gmail account.

I’ve played with a few, but I haven’t “used” any with any verve, but googling “online whiteboard” turns up those I’ve tried.
Here’s one I’m digging, but haven’t actually created an account, or used with multiple people, etc. but looks promising:

another, very similar

There is, of course, (you can try it out with your dms G-suite account).

Not sure if they meet your requirements, and yes, I can only imagine everyone will need to use the same site/suite/software…

Also, this was posted a couple years ago if you’re looking to “roll your own”…

Thanks everyone.

I’m going to use Bluejeans ('cuz that’s what the partner is using).

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How did jamboard fly under my radar!!! blimey that’s the killer app I needed to invest in a surface pen. Its even got stickies… Hello kanban :smiley:

ziteboard looks nice too.