Very "Serious" and Controversial Topic ;)

My bent to hell SM58 proves it
(once I actually used it as a hammer)

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I don’t condone that behavior, but it’s been known to happen.

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I have always been a fan of the underdog…


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On the other hand, Eccles was awesome in The Leftovers.

Whereas the SM58 is pretty durable. If you need a hammer I’d suggest the original EV644 or the more modern EV635L.

Also to keep on topic, I’ll agree that Tom Baker is the best doctor.


Not all mics mind being dropped :slight_smile:

Edit to add a vote for Tennant


Can we get some love for John Hurt, please? He had one chance to get it right and he NAILED it.

Matt Smith’s Doctor brought the character in a direction that could have really spiraled out in a not-good direction (Rule #1: The Doctor Lies… even though the previous rule #1s were “Hands off the Blonde” (for Jack) and “Don’t Wander Off” (for Rose)), which might explain why I found Peter Capaldi’s Doctor so interesting. I didn’t think he’d be able to keep my interest at all and he completely proved me wrong.

(Don’t get me wrong, Smith was a fantastic Doctor as well. I’m not putting this on his acting, I’m putting it on the writing at the time)


“I’m putting it on the writing at the time”

The Amelia Pond story line was fabulous writing.

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What would you say ya’ll favorite character in all of Doctor Who other than Doctors and Companions?


Strax. And more characters, which we shall dissolve in acid.

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Mr Potato Head? yeah he is great …