If you’ve missed it previously, on 9/21 we’ll be giving the final go-ahead or axe to projects for this 10 week sprint… prob 3 or maybe 4 will make it in. One project that should’ve been included from the beginning is a DMS take on the farmbot. This team will design and implement an automated garden that houses hundreds of plants for growing, plants for showing, and plants for low-level genetic manipulation through viral transfection (couldn’t think of a rhyme for that). Every project will have a few constraints that each team must work within and in the case of this farmbot, the design will need to be vertical in nature to save on space. Below is a quick design I’ve kicked around in my head a lil’ bit, but by no means does this team have to build what’s in the picture. In this rather elegant and smart design though, plants are housed on rotating carousel tiers made from rich mahogany, with LED lights emanating from the center ballast, and nutrient and water spigot lines running up the perimeter supports carrying solutions from the base of the structure. If you want in on this project or want it to happen, leave a reply post, send a private message, show this post some love, or show up on 9/10 for our team and project orientation meeting. We’ll probably need people with expertise on the woodshop CNC router, design, plastics fabrication, horticulture, and laying pipe in a vertical position.
This is my favorite so far!
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Tell ya what, y’all… you can just like this post here if you wanna see something like this happen as show of support vs. the other potential projects and I won’t bug ya for nothin
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This would be great for an apartment.
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